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11 calls to fb_get_fbu() in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

fb_app_user in ./fb_app.module
Implements hook_user.
fb_devel_info in ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_page in ./fb_devel.module
Provides a page with useful debug info.
fb_devel_user_view in ./fb_devel.module
Implements hook_user_view().
fb_get_object_fbu in ./fb.module
Convenience function to learn the fbu associated with a user, node or comment. Used in theming (X)FBML tags.
fb_permission_form_user_profile_form_alter in contrib/fb_permission.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()
fb_username_alter in ./fb.module
fb_user_app_user_delete in contrib/fb_user_app.module
Implements hook_user_delete().
fb_user_fb in ./fb_user.module
Implements hook_fb.
fb_views_handler_author_is_friend::query in fb_views/
Set up the query for this argument.
_fb_user_check_and_goto in ./fb_user.module
Detect whether facebook indicates the user has changed. If so, redirect.