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8 calls to fb_get_app_options() in Drupal for Facebook 5

action_fb_set_profile_fbml in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action. See Actions module.
action_fb_set_ref_fbml in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action.
action_fb_write_minifeed in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action. See Actions module.
fb_actions_cron_per_user_form in ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_minifeed_form in ./fb_actions.module
fb_actions_profile_fbml_form in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action. See Actions module.
fb_actions_ref_fbml_form in ./fb_actions.module
Implementation of an Action.
fb_views_views_arguments in ./fb_views.module