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23 calls to fb_get_app() in Drupal for Facebook 7.4

fb_api in ./fb.module
Facebook's older api methods.
fb_auth_get_token in ./fb.module
When user returns from fb_auth process, $_REQUEST might contain token details.
fb_canvas_url_outbound_alter in ./fb_canvas.module
fb_client_auth_url in ./fb.module
Produce a client side auth URL as described in
fb_connect_admin_form in ./
Form callback.
fb_connect_block_view in ./fb_connect.module
fb_devel_page in ./fb_devel.module
Provides a page with useful debug info.
fb_devel_page_app in ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_page_test in ./fb_devel.module
fb_friend_select_process in ./fb.module
fb_init in ./fb.module
fb_invite_access_cb in contrib/fb_invite.module
Menu access callback makes it possible to hide menu items when no local application is configured.
fb_invite_element_process in contrib/fb_invite.module
Process callback for drupal_render element.
fb_invite_request_detail in contrib/fb_invite.module
fb_opengraph_get_tags in ./fb_opengraph.module
Get the metatag values for the current page.
fb_opengraph_publish_action in ./fb_opengraph.module
Helper function to publish user activity to Facebook's Open Graph.
fb_post_form_node_form_alter in ./fb_post.module
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter(). Implements hook_form_node_form_alter().
fb_remote_auth_url in ./fb.module
fb_server_auth_url in ./fb.module
Build a URL where a user can be sent to authorize a facebook app and afterwards get an access_token. Uses facebook's server-side auth mechanism.
fb_token_load in ./fb.module
fb_url_outbound_alter in ./fb.module
Implements hook_url_outbound_alter().
fb_user_token in ./fb.module
The user-specific token allows individual users to post to their own feeds.
fb_user_token_url in ./fb.module
To configure this module, we need to send the user to the Fb app, in order to authorize it. The page we send them to explains the various permission options, then presents facebook's dialog for authorizing the permissions.