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10 calls to fb_get_app() in Drupal for Facebook 6.2

fb_actions_cron_per_user in contrib/fb_actions.module
Trigger an action several times, emulating a different user each time. Useful for cron jobs in which we update each users profile box, for example.
fb_app_fb in ./fb_app.module
Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_canvas_fb in ./fb_canvas.module
Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_connect_block in ./fb_connect.module
Implementation of hook_block.
fb_connect_fb in ./fb_connect.module
Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_connect_form_alter in ./fb_connect.module
fb_load in ./fb.module
Implementation of a %wildcard_load().
fb_permission_user in contrib/fb_permission.module
Implementation of hook_user.
fb_register_now_form_submit in contrib/fb_register.module
fb_user_user in ./fb_user.module
Implementation of hook_user.