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11 calls to fb_fql_query() in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

fb_form_friend_options in ./fb_form.module
fb_form_friend_selector_process in ./fb_form.module
A selector allowing the user to choose from their friends. This must behave differently depending on whether the form is displayed on an FBML canvas page, iframe canvas page, or regular HTML page.
fb_form_group_member_options in ./fb_form.module
fb_form_multi_add_invite_form in ./fb_form.module
Create a form allowing the user to invite friends to add the app.
fb_friend_block in contrib/fb_friend.module
Implementation of hook_block().
fb_permission_form_alter in contrib/fb_permission.module
fb_permission_map in contrib/fb_permission.module
Which permissions can we prompt for?
fb_tab_config_form in ./fb_tab.module
Build the tab config form. Invokes hook_fb_tab() to get the custom settings.
fb_tab_config_form_submit in ./fb_tab.module
Submit handler for tab config form.
fb_tab_pages in ./fb_tab.module
This page callback will show the user a list of pages they have authority to configure.
fb_users_getInfo in ./fb.module
DEPRECATED. Use fb_api() instead. Returns information about one or more facebook users.