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43 calls to fb_facebook_user() in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

fbu_load in ./fb.module
Implementation of a %wildcard_load().
fb_access_denied in ./fb.module
Convenience wrapper around drupal_access_denied(). Call on pages where the access is denied because the user is not logged into facebook.
fb_api_init in ./fb.module
Include and initialize Facebook's PHP SDK.
fb_app_user in ./fb_app.module
Implements hook_user.
fb_canvas_fb in ./fb_canvas.module
Implements hook_fb().
fb_devel_fb in ./fb_devel.module
Implements hook_fb().
fb_devel_info in ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_tab in ./fb_devel.module
Provides a profile tab (FBML) with useful debug info.
fb_example_fb in contrib/fb_example.module
Implements hook_fb().
fb_example_form_alter in contrib/fb_example.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_form_friend_selector_process in ./fb_form.module
A selector allowing the user to choose from their friends. This must behave differently depending on whether the form is displayed on an FBML canvas page, iframe canvas page, or regular HTML page.
fb_form_multi_add_invite_form in ./fb_form.module
Create a form allowing the user to invite friends to add the app.
fb_friend_block in contrib/fb_friend.module
Implementation of hook_block().
fb_friend_request_accept_page in contrib/fb_friend.module
fb_friend_request_content in contrib/fb_friend.module
Builds a data structure, similar to Drupal's form API structure, which renders a facebook request-form.
fb_friend_write_record in contrib/fb_friend.module
fb_friend_write_records in contrib/fb_friend.module
fb_get_friends in ./fb.module
A convenience method for returning a list of facebook friends.
fb_get_token in ./fb.module
Helper to get the tokens needed to accss facebook's API.
fb_graph_load in ./fb.module
Implementation of a %wildcard_load().
fb_graph_publish_action in ./fb_graph.module
Helper function to publish user activity to Facebook's Open Graph.
fb_permission_access_own in contrib/fb_permission.module
Helper function for menu item access check.
fb_require_authorization in ./fb.module
Helper function to ensure user has authorized an application.
fb_tab_fb in ./fb_tab.module
Implements hook_fb
fb_tab_pages in ./fb_tab.module
This page callback will show the user a list of pages they have authority to configure.
fb_user_app_track in contrib/fb_user_app.module
Keep track of when the user has visited the app.
fb_user_fb in ./fb_user.module
Implements hook_fb.
fb_user_form_alter in ./fb_user.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
fb_user_form_user_profile_form_alter in ./fb_user.module
Implements hook_form_user_profile_form_alter.
fb_user_get_local_friends in ./fb_user.module
Returns local uids of friends of a given user.
fb_user_user_insert in ./fb_user.module
Implements hook_user_insert.
fb_user_user_login in ./fb_user.module
Implements hook_user_login.
fb_user_user_logoutXXX in ./fb_user.module
Implements hook_user_logout.
fb_vars in ./fb.module
Helper function to get the most commonly used values. In your custom module, call extract(fb_vars()); to set $fb_app, $fb, and $fbu.
fb_views_handler_filter_friends::query in fb_views/
Add this filter to the query.
_fb_connect_add_js in ./fb_connect.module
This wrapper function around drupal_add_js() ensures that our settings are added once and only once when needed.
_fb_user_check_and_goto in ./fb_user.module
Detect whether facebook indicates the user has changed. If so, redirect.
_fb_user_create_local_account in ./fb_user.module
Helper function to create local account for the currently authorized user.
_fb_user_create_map in ./fb_user.module
Create a map linking the facebook account to the currently logged in local user account.
_fb_user_create_map_by_email in ./fb_user.module
_fb_user_external_login in ./fb_user.module
If facebook user has authorized app, and account map exists, login as the local user.
_fb_user_facebook_data in ./fb_user.module
_fb_user_process_authorized_user in ./fb_user.module
Create local account or account map for a facebook user who has authorized the application.