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8 calls to fb_controls() in Drupal for Facebook 6.3

fb_init in ./fb.module
Implements hook_init().
fb_user_fb in ./fb_user.module
Implementation of hook_fb.
fb_user_footer in ./fb_user.module
fb_user_user in ./fb_user.module
Implementation of hook_user().
_fb_user_create_local_account in ./fb_user.module
Helper function to create local account for the currently authorized user.
_fb_user_create_map in ./fb_user.module
Create a map linking the facebook account to the currently logged in local user account.
_fb_user_create_map_by_email in ./fb_user.module
_fb_user_external_login in ./fb_user.module
If facebook user has authorized app, and account map exists, login as the local user.