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9 calls to VclHandler::vclGetWrapper() in Fastly 8.3

VclHandler::checkCondition in src/VclHandler.php
Checks if condition exists.
VclHandler::checkIfVclExists in src/VclHandler.php
Checks if VCL exists.
VclHandler::checkImageOptimizerStatus in src/VclHandler.php
Check image optimizer status.
VclHandler::getAllSnippets in src/VclHandler.php
Get all snippets.
VclHandler::getCondition in src/VclHandler.php
Fetches condition by condition name.
VclHandler::getLastVersion in src/VclHandler.php
Fetch last service version.
VclHandler::getSetting in src/VclHandler.php
Fetches setting by condition name.
VclHandler::getSnippetId in src/VclHandler.php
Fetch Id of a snippet.
VclHandler::validateVersion in src/VclHandler.php
Validates last cloned version.