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7 calls to VclHandler::addError() in Fastly 8.3

VclHandler::execute in src/VclHandler.php
Main execute function.
VclHandler::prepareCondition in src/VclHandler.php
Prepares condition for insertion.
VclHandler::prepareSetting in src/VclHandler.php
Prepares setting for insertion.
VclHandler::prepareSingleVcl in src/VclHandler.php
Prepares request for Single VCL.
VclHandler::prepareVcl in src/VclHandler.php
Prepares VCL request.
VclHandler::uploadMaintenancePage in src/VclHandler.php
Upload maintenance page.
VclHandler::__construct in src/VclHandler.php
Sets data to be processed, sets Credentials Vcl_Handler constructor.