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public function Fast404::response in Fast 404 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Fast404.php \Drupal\fast404\Fast404::response()

Prepare a 404 response.


bool $return: Decide whether to return the response object or simply send it.

Return value

\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response If this returns anything, it will be a response object.


src/Fast404.php, line 198


Fast404: A value object for manager Fast 404 logic.




public function response($return = FALSE) {
  $message = Settings::get('fast404_html', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL "@path" was not found on this server.</p></body></html>');
  $return_gone = Settings::get('fast404_return_gone', FALSE);
  $custom_404_path = Settings::get('fast404_HTML_error_page', FALSE);
  if ($return_gone) {
    header((Settings::get('fast404_HTTP_status_method', 'mod_php') == 'FastCGI' ? 'Status:' : 'HTTP/1.0') . ' 410 Gone');
  else {
    header((Settings::get('fast404_HTTP_status_method', 'mod_php') == 'FastCGI' ? 'Status:' : 'HTTP/1.0') . ' 404 Not Found');

  // If a file is set to provide us with Fast 404 joy, load it.
  if (($this->loadHtml || Settings::get('fast404_HTML_error_all_paths', FALSE) === TRUE) && file_exists($custom_404_path)) {
    $message = @file_get_contents($custom_404_path, FALSE);
  $response = new Response(new FormattableMarkup($message, [
    '@path' => $this->request
  ]), 404);
  if ($return) {
    return $response;
  else {
    throw new ServiceUnavailableHttpException(3, $this
      ->t('The requested URL "@path" was not found on this server. Try again shortly.', [
      '@path' => $this->request