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protected function ModulesFormTest::installModules in farmOS 2.x

Helper function to test installing a list of modules.


array $modules: The array of modules to install. Expects arrays of module names keyed by the module type.

1 call to ModulesFormTest::installModules()
ModulesFormTest::testInstallFunctionality in modules/core/settings/tests/src/Functional/ModulesFormTest.php
Tests the install functionality of the module settings form.


modules/core/settings/tests/src/Functional/ModulesFormTest.php, line 123


Tests installing modules via the module settings form.




protected function installModules(array $modules) {

  // Build a list of module names.
  $module_names = [];

  // Loop through module types, core or contrib.
    ->assertNotEmpty($modules, 'Modules array is not empty.');
  foreach ($modules as $type => $module_list) {

    // Check each module in the list.
      ->assertNotEmpty($module_list, 'Modules of the specified type are provided.');
    foreach ($module_list as $module_name) {
      $module_names[] = $module_name;
      $page = $this
        ->checkField($type . "[modules][{$module_name}]");
        ->assertModuleCheckboxState($type, $module_name, TRUE, FALSE);

  // Assert the install button becomes enabled.

  // Submit the form.

  // Wait for the batch process to complete.
    ->waitForText('Install modules', 30000);

  // Rebuild the list of installed modules.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList $module_list */
  $module_extension_list = \Drupal::service('extension.list.module');

  // Assert that each module was installed and the form was updated.
  foreach ($modules as $type => $module_list) {
    foreach ($module_list as $module_name) {

      // This method raises an error if the module is not installed.
      $module_info = $module_extension_list

      // Assert that the checkbox is checked and disabled.
        ->assertModuleCheckboxState($type, $module_name, TRUE, TRUE);