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function Faq_AskTestCase::setUp in FAQ_Ask 7

Implementation of setUp(). Array of additional modules to be installed are passed as parameter

Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp

1 call to Faq_AskTestCase::setUp()
Faq_askMailchimpTestCase::setUp in ./faq_ask.test
Implementation of setUp(). Array of additional modules to be installed are passed as parameter
1 method overrides Faq_AskTestCase::setUp()
Faq_askMailchimpTestCase::setUp in ./faq_ask.test
Implementation of setUp(). Array of additional modules to be installed are passed as parameter


./faq_ask.test, line 34
Test Faq_Ask functionality Base test class. All tests inherits this one Hugely based on code from the test file block.test by boombatower


Base class that is extended by test cases


function setUp($modules = NULL) {

  // Install FAQ Module
  $module_list = array(
  if (!empty($modules)) {
    $module_list = array_merge($module_list, $modules);

  // Create and log in user with administer taxonomy permissions.
  $this->admin_user = $this
    'administer users',
    'administer permissions',
    'administer taxonomy',
    'administer faq',
    'administer faq order',
    'administer blocks',
  $this->faq_user = $this
    'create faq content',
    'edit any faq content',
    'delete any faq content',
    'view faq page',
    'access content',
  $this->view_faq_user = $this
    'view faq page',
    'access content',
  $this->ask_user = $this
    'view faq page',
    'ask question',
    'create faq content',
    'edit own faq content',
    'view own unpublished content',
  $this->answer_user = $this
    'answer question',
    'view faq page',
    'edit any faq content',
  $this->answer_user2 = $this
    'answer question',
    'view faq page',
    'edit any faq content',
  $roles = array_flip($this->answer_user->roles);
  unset($roles['authenticated user']);
  $this->answer_user2->roles = $roles = array_flip($roles);

  // Add second user to the role of answering
    ->pass(print_r($roles, TRUE));
  $this->expert_role = key($roles);

  // Set to last role (the unique one)
    ->pass(print_r($this->answer_user2, TRUE));

  // Set up the vocab and terms

  // Categorize questions
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/content/faq', array(
    'faq_description' => 'Faq-page description text',
  ), t('Save configuration'));
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/content/faq/questions', array(
    'faq_question_length' => 'both',
  ), t('Save configuration'));
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/content/faq/categories', array(
    'faq_use_categories' => TRUE,
    'faq_answer_category_name' => TRUE,
    'faq_group_questions_top' => TRUE,
  ), t('Save configuration'));

  // Set the default expert to answer user
  // Set answer_user as default expert
  $roles = $this->answer_user->roles;

  //end($roles);  // Set to last role (the unique one)
    ->pass('<pre>' . print_r($this->answer_user, TRUE) . '</pre>');

  // Set expert role
  $settings = array(
    'faq_expert_role[]' => $this->expert_role,
    // key($roles),
    //        'faq_category_field' => 'taxonomy_' . $this->vocabulary->machine_name,
    'faq_ask_vocabularies[]' => array(

  // Set default expert
  //    $this->drupalPost('admin/config/content/faq/ask', array('expert_1_1' => '0', 'expert_'.$this->answer_user->uid.'_1' => '1'), t('Save configuration'));
    'expert_1_1' => '0',
    'expert_' . $this->answer_user->uid . '_1' => '1',

  //    $this->drupalPost('admin/config/content/faq/ask', array('faq_ask_default_expert' => $this->answer_user->uid), t('Save configuration'));
    'faq_ask_default_expert' => $this->answer_user->uid,

  // $this->pass('<pre>'.var_export($this->answer_user, TRUE).'</pre>');          // Show us the node loaded
  // Select the Unanswered questions block to be configured and moved.
    ->turnBlockOn('faq_ask', 'unanswered');