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faq-category-questions-inline.tpl.php in Frequently Asked Questions 6

Template file for the FAQ page if set to show categorized questions inline.


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 * @file
 * Template file for the FAQ page if set to show categorized questions inline.

 * Available variables:
 * $display_header
 *   Boolean value controlling whether a header should be displayed.
 * $header_title
 *   The category title.
 * $category_depth
 *   The term or category depth.
 * $description
 *   The current page's description.
 * $term_image
 *   The HTML for the category image. This is empty if the taxonomy image module
 *   is not enabled or there is no image associated with the term.
 * $display_faq_count
 *   Boolean value controlling whether or not the number of faqs in a category
 *   should be displayed.
 * $question_count
 *   The number of questions in category.
 * $nodes
 *   An array of nodes to be displayed.
 *   Each node stored in the $nodes array has the following information:
 *     $node['question'] is the question text.
 *     $node['body'] is the answer text.
 *     $node['links'] represents the node links, e.g. "Read more".
 * $use_teaser
 *   Whether $node['body'] contains the full body or just the teaser text.
 * $container_class
 *   The class attribute of the element containing the sub-categories, either
 *   'faq-qa' or 'faq-qa-hide'. This is used by javascript to open/hide
 *   a category's faqs.
 * $question_label
 *   The label to prepend to the question text.
 * $answer_label
 *   The label to prepend to the answer text.
 * $subcat_list
 *   An array of sub-categories.  Each sub-category stored in the $subcat_list
 *   array has the following information:
 *     $subcat['link'] is the link to the sub-category.
 *     $subcat['description'] is the sub-category description.
 *     $subcat['count'] is the number of questions in the sub-category.
 *     $subcat['term_image'] is the sub-category (taxonomy) image.
 * $subcat_list_style
 *   The style of the sub-category list, either ol or ul (ordered or unordered).
 * $subcat_body_list
 *   The sub-categories faqs, recursively themed (by this template).
if ($category_depth > 0) {
  $hdr = 'h6';
else {
  $hdr = 'h5';
<a name="faq-top"></a>
<div class="faq-category-group">
  <!-- category header with title, link, image, description, and count of
  questions inside -->
  <div class="faq-qa-header">

if ($display_header) {

  print $hdr;
  ?> class="faq-header">

  print $term_image;

  print $header_title;

  if ($display_faq_count) {

    print $question_count;


  print $hdr;


else {

  print $term_image;



if (!empty($description)) {
    <div class="faq-qa-description"><?php

  print $description;


if (!empty($term_image)) {
    <div class="clear-block"></div>

  </div> <!-- Close div: faq-qa-header -->

  <!-- list subcategories, with title, link, description, count -->

if (!empty($subcat_list)) {
    <div class="item-list">

  print $subcat_list_style;
  ?> class="faq-category-list">

  foreach ($subcat_list as $i => $subcat) {

    print $subcat['link'];

    if ($display_faq_count) {

      print $subcat['count'];


    if (!empty($subcat['description'])) {
      <div class="faq-qa-description"><?php

      print $subcat['description'];

      <div class="clear-block"></div>


  print $subcat_list_style;
  </div> <!-- Close div: item-list -->


  <div class="<?php

print $container_class;

  <!-- include subcategories -->

if (count($subcat_body_list)) {

  foreach ($subcat_body_list as $i => $subcat_html) {
      <div class="faq-category-indent"><?php

    print $subcat_html;



  <!-- list questions (in title link) and answers (in body) -->

if (count($nodes)) {

  foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) {
      <div class="faq-question">

    if (!empty($question_label)) {
        <strong class="faq-question-label"><?php

      print $question_label;


    print $node['question'];
      </div> <!-- Close div: faq-question -->

      <div class="faq-answer">

    if (!empty($answer_label)) {
        <strong class="faq-answer-label"><?php

      print $answer_label;


    print $node['body'];

    if (isset($node['links'])) {

      print $node['links'];

      </div> <!-- Close div: faq-answer -->


  </div> <!-- Close div -->

  </div> <!-- Close div: faq-qa / faq-qa-hide -->

</div> <!-- Close div: faq-category-group -->