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FancyLoginJavascriptTest.php in Fancy Login 8.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 3.0.x tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/FancyLoginJavascriptTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\fancy_login\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\fancy_login\TestBase\FancyLoginJavascriptTestBase;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;

 * @group fancy_login
class FancyLoginJavascriptTest extends FancyLoginJavascriptTestBase {

   * The admin user used for various tasks
   * @var \Drupal\user\Entity\User
  protected $adminUser;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [
  public function setUp() {
    $block = $this
      'type' => 'article',
    $node = $this
      'title' => 'Article 1',
      'type' => 'article',
    $anonymous_role = Role::load('anonymous');
      ->grantPermissions($anonymous_role, [
      'access content',
      ->drupalGet(drupal_get_path('module', 'fancy_login') . '/js/fancy_login.js');
      ->assertElementExistsXpath('//div[@id="block-' . $block
      ->id() . '"]//a[@href="/user/login" and text()="Login"]');
  public function testDimmerBackgroundColor() {
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString('#fancy_login_dim_screen', 'background-color', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('background-color is not white');
      ->find('xpath', '//summary[@role="button" and text()="Display"]')
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-screen-fade-color', '#000000');
      ->click('#edit-actions .form-submit');
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString('#fancy_login_dim_screen', 'background-color', 'rgb(0, 0, 0)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('background-color is not black');
  public function testDimmerZIndex() {
    $selector = '#fancy_login_dim_screen';
    $property = 'z-index';
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, '10');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('z-index is not 10');
      ->find('xpath', '//summary[@role="button" and text()="Display"]')
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-screen-fade-z-index', '12');
      ->click('#edit-actions .form-submit');
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, '12');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('z-index is not 12');
  public function testLoginBoxBackgroundColor() {
    $selector = '#fancy_login_login_box';
    $property = 'background-color';
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box background color is not white');
      ->find('xpath', '//summary[@role="button" and text()="Display"]')
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-login-box-background-color', '#000000');
      ->click('#edit-actions .form-submit');
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'rgb(0, 0, 0)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box background color is not black');
  public function testLoginBoxTextColor() {
    $selector = '#fancy_login_login_box';
    $property = 'color';
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'rgb(0, 0, 0)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box text color is not black');
      ->find('xpath', '//summary[@role="button" and text()="Display"]')
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-login-box-text-color', '#FFFFFF');
      ->click('#edit-actions .form-submit');
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box text color is not white');
  public function testLoginBoxBorderColor() {
    $selector = '#fancy_login_login_box';
    $property = 'border-color';
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'rgb(0, 0, 0)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box border color is not black');
      ->find('xpath', '//summary[@role="button" and text()="Display"]')
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-login-box-border-color', '#FFFFFF');
      ->click('#edit-actions .form-submit');
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box text color is not white');
  public function testLoginBoxBorderWidth() {
    $selector = '#fancy_login_login_box';
    $property = 'border-width';
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, '3px');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box border width is not 3px');
      ->find('xpath', '//summary[@role="button" and text()="Display"]')
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-login-box-border-width', '5px');
      ->click('#edit-actions .form-submit');
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, '5px');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box text color is not 5px');
  public function testLoginBoxBorderStyle() {
    $selector = '#fancy_login_login_box';
    $property = 'border-style';
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'solid');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box border width is not solid');
      ->find('xpath', '//summary[@role="button" and text()="Display"]')
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-login-box-border-style', 'dotted');
      ->click('#edit-actions .form-submit');
    $script = $this
      ->createScriptString($selector, $property, 'dotted');
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript($script)) {
      throw new \Exception('Login box text color is not dotted');
  public function testPopupCloseButton() {

    // Ensure screen is ready

    // Click the login link

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are hidden
  public function testPopupDimmerClickClose() {

    // Click the login link
    // Note - bug in the system means we need to simulate a click with JS, rather than
    // using $this->click();
    $script = "jQuery('#fancy_login_dim_screen').click();";

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are hidden
  public function testPopupKeyboardClose() {

    // Press the keyboard keys which simulate ctrl + .
    $key = 17;
    $script = "jQuery.event.trigger({ type : 'keydown', which : '" . $key . "' });";
    $key = 190;
    $script = "jQuery.event.trigger({ type : 'keydown', which : '" . $key . "' });";

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are hidden
  public function testLinks() {

    // Confirm popup opened

    // Click link
      ->clickLink('Request new password');

    // Wait until new form has loaded

    // Click Link to return to original form
      ->clickLink('Sign in');

    // Wait until new form has loaded

    // Click the create account link and confirm redirect goes to correct page
      ->clickLink('Create new account');

    // Go back to node 1

    // Next confirm that the create new account link works on the password reset form

    // Ensure popup is open

    // Switch forms
      ->clickLink('Request new password');

    // Wait until form is loaded

    // Click the create new account link and confirm correct page loads
      ->clickLink('Create new account');
  public function testInclusionLink() {

    // Ensure screen is ready

    // Click the login link

    // Ensure screen is ready

    // Create the inclusion link
      ->executeScript('jQuery("<a/>", {class:"fancy_login_show_popup", href:"/node/1"}).text("open popup").appendTo("body")');
    $link = $this
      ->find('css', 'a.fancy_login_show_popup');
    if (!$link) {
      throw new \Exception('Could not create inclusion link');

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are hidden

    // Trigger the popup

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are visible
  public function testExclusionLink() {

    // Ensure screen is ready

    // Click the login link

    // Ensure screen is ready

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are hidden

    // Create the inclusion link
      ->executeScript('jQuery("<a/>", {class:"fancy_login_disable", href:"/user/login"}).text("do not open popup").prependTo("body")');
    $link = $this
      ->find('css', 'a.fancy_login_disable');
    if (!$link) {
      throw new \Exception('Could not create exclusion link');

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are hidden

    // Click the exclusion link
  private function goToConfigPage() {
    $user = $this
      'Administer fancy login',
      'access administration pages',
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-name', $user
      ->fillTextValue('#edit-pass', $user->passRaw);
      ->click('#fancy-login-user-login-form .form-submit');

    // Test link exists on admin page (
      ->pageTextContains('Fancy Login');
      ->pageTextContains('Settings for Fancy Login');
      ->clickLink('Fancy Login');

    // Test admin page exists
  private function openPopup() {

    // Go to a node page where we can see the login link

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are hidden

    // Trigger the popup

    // Confirm that the dimmer and form are visible
  private function createScriptString($selector, $property, $value) {
    return '(function($){return $("' . $selector . '").css("' . $property . '") === "' . $value . '";}(jQuery));';
  private function debugCssProperty($selector, $property) {
    $script = '(function($){return $("' . $selector . '").css("' . $property . '");}(jQuery));';



Namesort descending Description
FancyLoginJavascriptTest @group fancy_login