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protected function WidgetJSTest::assertListItems in Facets 8

Checks that the list items that wrap checkboxes are rendered correctly.


array[] $expected: An array of expected properties, each an array with the following values:

  • The expected checkbox value.
  • The expected number of results, displayed in the checkbox label.
  • The URI leading to the updated search results.
  • A boolean indicating whether the checkbox is expected to be checked.

\Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement[] $list_items: The list items to check.

1 call to WidgetJSTest::assertListItems()
WidgetJSTest::testCheckboxWidget in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/WidgetJSTest.php
Tests checkbox widget.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/WidgetJSTest.php, line 202


Tests for the JS that transforms widgets into form elements.




protected function assertListItems(array $expected, array $list_items) : void {
    ->assertCount(count($expected), $list_items);
  foreach ($expected as $key => [
  ]) {
    $list_item = $list_items[$key];

    // The list element should be visible.

    // It should contain 1 input element (the checkbox). It should have the
    // expected ID and CSS class.
    $item_id = "llama-{$keyword}";
      ->assertCount(1, $list_item
      ->findAll('css', 'input'));
      ->assertCount(1, $list_item
      ->findAll('css', "input#{$item_id}[type='checkbox'].facets-checkbox"));

    // It should contain a label for the checkbox.
    $labels = $list_item
      ->findAll('css', "label[for={$item_id}]");
      ->assertCount(1, $labels);

    // The label should contain the search keyword and the result count. Since
    // there can be multiple spaces or newlines between the keyword and the
    // count, reduce them to a single space before asserting. The keyword and
    // the count should be wrapped in elements with semantic classes.
    $label = reset($labels);
    $expected_text = "<span class=\"facet-item__value\">{$keyword}</span> <span class=\"facet-item__count\">({$count})</span>";
      ->assertEquals($expected_text, trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $label

    // There should be a hidden link that leads to the updated search results.
    // If a user checks a checkbox this hidden link is followed in JS.
    $links = $list_item
      ->findAll('css', 'a');
      ->assertCount(1, $links);
    $link = reset($links);

    // The link should not be visible.

    // The link should indicate that search engines shouldn't follow it.
      ->assertEquals('nofollow', $link

    // The link should have CSS classes that allow to attach our JS code.
      ->assertEquals($item_id, $link
      ->assertEquals($keyword, $link

    // The link text should include the keyword as well as the count.
      ->assertStringContainsString($expected_text, trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $link