public function ProcessorIntegrationTest::testEntityTranslateWithUnderScores in Facets 8
Tests the list item processor with underscores in the bundle.
- tests/
src/ Functional/ ProcessorIntegrationTest.php, line 878
- ProcessorIntegrationTest
- Tests the processor functionality.
public function testEntityTranslateWithUnderScores() {
entity_test_create_bundle('test_with_underscore', "Test with underscore", 'entity_test_mulrev_changed');
$entity_test_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
// Add an entity with basic page content type.
'name' => 'llama',
'body' => 'llama.',
'type' => 'test_with_underscore',
$facet_id = 'owl';
$editForm = 'admin/config/search/facets/' . $facet_id . '/edit';
->createFacet('Owl', $facet_id);
// Go to the overview and check that the machine names are used as facets.
->pageTextContains('Displaying 11 search results');
// Edit the facet to use the list_item processor.
$edit = [
'facet_settings[list_item][status]' => TRUE,
->drupalPostForm($editForm, $edit, 'Save');
// Go back to the overview and check that now the label is being used
// instead.
->pageTextContains('Displaying 11 search results');
->assertFacetLabel('Test with underscore');