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public function FacetsUrlGeneratorTest::testWithAlreadySetFacet in Facets 8

Create url with already set facet.


tests/src/Functional/FacetsUrlGeneratorTest.php, line 72


Class FacetsUrlGeneratorTest.




public function testWithAlreadySetFacet() {
    ->createFacet('Owl', 'owl');
    ->createFacet('Llama', 'llama', 'keywords');
  $facet = Facet::load('owl');
  $url = $this->urlGenerator
    'owl' => [
    ->assertEquals('route:view.search_api_test_view.page_1;arg_0&arg_1&arg_2?f%5B0%5D=donkey%3Afoo', $url

  // This won't work without it being in the request, so we need to do this
  // from a block. We first click the link, check that the "orange" facet is
  // active as expected and that the output from the custom block is shown.
  // Then we click the item from the custom block and check that the orange is
  // no longer active, but item is.
    ->pageTextContains('Link to owl item');
    ->clickLink('Link to owl item');

  // This won't work without it being in the request, so we need to do this
  // from a block. We first click the link, check that the "orange" facet is
  // active as expected and that the output from the custom block is shown.
  // Then we click the item from the custom block and check that the orange is
  // still active, but item is.
    ->get('facets_url_generator_keep_active', TRUE);
    ->pageTextContains('Link to owl item');
    ->clickLink('Link to owl item');