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public function SearchApiBaseFacetSource::getQueryTypesForDataType in Facets 8

Retrieves the query types for a specified data type.

Backend plugins can use this method to override the default query types provided by the Search API with backend-specific ones that better use features of that backend.


\Drupal\search_api\Backend\BackendInterface $backend: The backend that we want to get the query types for.

string $data_type_plugin_id: The identifier of the data type.

Return value

string[] An associative array with the plugin IDs of allowed query types, keyed by the generic name of the query_type.

See also


2 calls to SearchApiBaseFacetSource::getQueryTypesForDataType()
SearchApiBaseFacetSource::getFields in src/Plugin/facets/facet_source/SearchApiBaseFacetSource.php
Returns an array of fields that are defined on the facet source.
SearchApiBaseFacetSource::getQueryTypesForFacet in src/Plugin/facets/facet_source/SearchApiBaseFacetSource.php
Returns the allowed query types for a given facet for the facet source.


src/Plugin/facets/facet_source/SearchApiBaseFacetSource.php, line 172


A base class for Search API facet sources.




public function getQueryTypesForDataType(BackendInterface $backend, $data_type_plugin_id) {
  $query_types = [];
  $query_types['string'] = 'search_api_string';

  // Add additional query types for specific data types.
  switch ($data_type_plugin_id) {
    case 'date':
      $query_types['date'] = 'search_api_date';
    case 'decimal':
    case 'integer':
      $query_types['numeric'] = 'search_api_granular';
      $query_types['range'] = 'search_api_range';

  // Find out if the backend implemented the Interface to retrieve specific
  // query types for the supported data_types.
  if ($backend instanceof FacetsQueryTypeMappingInterface) {

    // If the input arrays have the same string keys, then the later value
    // for that key will overwrite the previous one. If, however, the arrays
    // contain numeric keys, the later value will not overwrite the original
    // value, but will be appended.
    $query_types = array_merge($query_types, $backend

  // Add it to a variable so we can pass it by reference. Alter hook complains
  // due to the property of the backend object is not passable by reference.
  $backend_plugin_id = $backend

  // Let modules alter this mapping.
    ->alter('facets_search_api_query_type_mapping', $backend_plugin_id, $query_types);
  return $query_types;