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public function FacetapiTestCase::enableFacet in Facet API 6.3

Enables a facet in the block realm, adds it to the "sidebar_first" region.

The following tests are executed:

  • DrupalTestCase::getPath(): Retrieves path to the administrative settings page for the block realm.
  • DrupalTestCase::getPost(): Enables the facet in the block realm.
  • DrupalTestCase::assertRaw(): Ensures the configuration options were successful by testing for the confirmation message.
  • DrupalTestCase::assertTrue(): Double checks that the facet is enabled via the facetapi_facet_enabled() API function.
  • DrupalTestCase::getPost(): Activates the facet block in the "sidebar_first" region.
  • DrupalTestCase::getPath(): Retrieves path to the search page.
  • DrupalTestCase::assertRaw(): Tests if the block is displayed by looking for it's title.


string $facet_name: The machine readable name of the facet.

string $label: The title of the block whose existence is being tested.

string $realm_name: The machine readable name of the realm.

3 calls to FacetapiTestCase::enableFacet()
FacetapiAdminInterfaceTestCase::testEnableFacet in tests/facetapi.test
FacetapiAdminInterfaceTestCase::testEnableFacetWithColon in tests/facetapi.test
FacetapiSearchPageInterfaceTestCase::testFormAccess in tests/facetapi.test


tests/facetapi.test, line 75
Tests for the Facet API module.


Base class for all Facet API test cases.


public function enableFacet($facet_name, $label, $realm_name = 'block') {
  $path = 'admin/settings/facetapi_test/facets/' . $realm_name;

  // Posts the form, ensures it was successfully submitted.
  $values = array(
    'enabled_facets[' . $facet_name . ']' => $facet_name,
    ->drupalPost($path, $values, t('Save configuration'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), t('Facet form successfully submitted.'));

  // We have to clear the static cache otherwise this test won't work. This is
  // OK because the script execution persists when the form is submitted by
  // the test unlike a real form post where the page has to reload.
  ctools_static('facetapi_get_enabled_facets', array(), TRUE);

  // Tests the status of the enabled facet.
  // Visits search page, raw value mimics return from default theme function.

  // Any block of facetapi in this listing is sign of a valid test
    ->assertRaw(t('Facet API: Facet API Test'), t('Facet block displayed on block listings.'));

  // Adds realm to block if we are testing the block realm.
  if ('block' == $realm_name) {

    // Generates the "key" by generating and hashing the delta.
    module_load_include('inc', 'facetapi', 'facetapi.block');
    $delta = facetapi_build_delta('facetapi_test', $realm_name, $facet_name);
    $key = 'facetapi_' . facetapi_hash_delta($delta);

    // Set the created block to a specific region.
    $edit = array();
    $edit[$key . '[region]'] = 'right';
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));

    // Visits search page, raw value mimics return from default theme function.
    $raw = t('Filter by @title:', array(
      '@title' => drupal_strtolower($label),
      ->assertRaw($raw, t('Facet block displayed on search page.'));