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protected function FacetapiFacetProcessor::initializeBuild in Facet API 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 plugins/facetapi/ \FacetapiFacetProcessor::initializeBuild()
  2. 7.2 plugins/facetapi/ \FacetapiFacetProcessor::initializeBuild()

Initializes the facet's render array.

Return value

array The initialized render array containing:

  • #markup: The value displayed to the user.
  • #path: The href of the facet link.
  • #html: Whether #markup is HTML. If TRUE, it is assumed that the data has already been properly been sanitized for display.
  • #indexed_value: The raw value stored in the index.
  • #count: The number of items in the result set.
  • #active: An integer flagging whether the facet is active or not.
  • #item_parents: An array of the parent index values.
  • #item_children: References to the child render arrays.
1 call to FacetapiFacetProcessor::initializeBuild()
FacetapiFacetProcessor::process in plugins/facetapi/
Builds the base render array used as a starting point for rendering.


plugins/facetapi/, line 1486
Adapter plugin and adapter related classes.


Builds base render array used as a starting point for rendering.


protected function initializeBuild() {
  $build = array();

  // Build array defaults.
  $defaults = array(
    '#markup' => '',
    '#path' => $this->facet
    '#html' => FALSE,
    '#indexed_value' => '',
    '#count' => 0,
    '#active' => 0,
    '#item_parents' => array(),
    '#item_children' => array(),

  // Builds render arrays for each item.
  $adapter = $this->facet
  $build = $adapter

  // Invoke the alter callbacks for the facet.
  foreach ($this->facet['alter callbacks'] as $callback) {
    $callback($build, $adapter, $this->facet

  // Iterates over the render array and merges in defaults.
  // @see for why array_keys() is used
  // instead of element_children().
  foreach (array_keys($build) as $value) {
    $item_defaults = array(
      '#markup' => $value,
      '#indexed_value' => $value,
      '#active' => $adapter
        ->itemActive($this->facet['name'], $value),
    $build[$value] = array_merge($defaults, $item_defaults, $build[$value]);
  return $build;