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public function FacetapiFacet::itemActive in Facet API 6

Tests whether a facet item is active by passing it's value.

NOTE: This method returns an integer instead of a boolean because the value is used by the Facet API's custom sorting functions. It ends up being less code to compare integers than booleans.


$value: A string containing the facet item's value.

Return value

An integer, 1 if the item is active, 0 if it is inactive.

1 call to FacetapiFacet::itemActive()
FacetapiFacet::buildItems in ./
Builds the render array for the facet's items.


./, line 337
Defines classes used by the FacetAPI module.


Stores facet data, provides methods that build the facet's render array.


public function itemActive($value) {
  return (int) isset($this->_active[$value]);