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public function CurrentSearchItem::getFacetPath in Facet API 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 contrib/current_search/plugins/current_search/ \CurrentSearchItem::getFacetPath()
  2. 7 contrib/current_search/plugins/current_search/ \CurrentSearchItem::getFacetPath()

Helper function that returns a facet's path.

Ensures that all active child values are deactivated along with the parent.


array $item: The item as returned by FacetapiAdapter::getAllActiveItems().

FacetapiAdapter $adapter: The adapter object of the current search.

Return value

string The facet path.

2 calls to CurrentSearchItem::getFacetPath()
CurrentSearchGroup::execute in contrib/current_search/plugins/current_search/
Implements CurrentSearchItem::execute().
CurrentSearchItemActive::execute in contrib/current_search/plugins/current_search/
Implements CurrentSearchItem::execute().


contrib/current_search/plugins/current_search/, line 248
Current search plugin base class.


Base class for current search item plugins.


public function getFacetPath(array $item, FacetapiAdapter $adapter) {
  return $adapter
    ->getItemValues($item, $adapter), 1);