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7 calls to Storage::changed() in Express 8

Storage::delete in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Utility/Storage.php
Deletes an item from the key/value store.
Storage::deleteAll in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Utility/Storage.php
Deletes all items from the key/value store.
Storage::deleteMultiple in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Utility/Storage.php
Deletes multiple items from the key/value store.
Storage::rename in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Utility/Storage.php
Renames a key.
Storage::set in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Utility/Storage.php
Saves a value for a given key.
Storage::setIfNotExists in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Utility/Storage.php
Saves a value for a given key if it does not exist yet.
Storage::setMultiple in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Utility/Storage.php
Saves key/value pairs.