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public function LibraryInfo::alter in Express 8

Alters data for a specific hook_TYPE_alter() implementation.


mixed $data: The variable that will be passed to hook_TYPE_alter() implementations to be altered. The type of this variable depends on the value of the $type argument. For example, when altering a 'form', $data will be a structured array. When altering a 'profile', $data will be an object.

mixed $context1: (optional) An additional variable that is passed by reference.

mixed $context2: (optional) An additional variable that is passed by reference. If more context needs to be provided to implementations, then this should be an associative array as described above.

Overrides AlterInterface::alter


themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Plugin/Alter/LibraryInfo.php, line 26
Contains \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Alter\LibraryInfo.


Implements hook_library_info_alter().




public function alter(&$libraries, &$extension = NULL, &$context2 = NULL) {
  $livereload = $this->theme

  // Disable preprocess on all CSS/JS if "livereload" is enabled.
  if ($livereload) {
      ->processLibrary($libraries, function (&$info, &$key, $type) {
      if ($type === 'css' || $type === 'js') {
        $info['preprocess'] = FALSE;
  if ($extension === 'bootstrap') {

    // Alter the "livereload.js" placeholder with the correct URL.
    if ($livereload) {
      $libraries['livereload']['js'][$livereload] = $libraries['livereload']['js']['livereload.js'];

    // Retrieve the theme's CDN provider and assets.
    $provider = $this->theme
    $assets = $provider ? $provider
      ->getAssets() : [];

    // Immediately return if there is no provider or assets.
    if (!$provider || !$assets) {

    // Merge the assets into the library info.
    $libraries['theme'] = NestedArray::mergeDeepArray([
    ], TRUE);

    // Add a specific version and theme CSS overrides file.
    // @todo This should be retrieved by the Provider API.
    $version = $this->theme
      ->getSetting('cdn_' . $provider
      ->getPluginId() . '_version') ?: Bootstrap::FRAMEWORK_VERSION;
    $libraries['theme']['version'] = $version;
    $provider_theme = $this->theme
      ->getSetting('cdn_' . $provider
      ->getPluginId() . '_theme') ?: 'bootstrap';
    $provider_theme = $provider_theme === 'bootstrap' || $provider_theme === 'bootstrap_theme' ? '' : "-{$provider_theme}";
    foreach ($this->theme
      ->getAncestry(TRUE) as $ancestor) {
      $overrides = $ancestor
        ->getPath() . "/css/{$version}/overrides{$provider_theme}.min.css";
      if (file_exists($overrides)) {

        // Since this uses a relative path to the ancestor from DRUPAL_ROOT,
        // we must prepend the entire path with forward slash (/) so it
        // doesn't prepend the active theme's path.
        $overrides = "/{$overrides}";

        // The overrides file must also be stored in the "base" category so
        // it isn't added after any potential sub-theme's "theme" category.
        // There's no weight, so it will be added after the provider's assets.
        // @see
        $libraries['theme']['css']['base'][$overrides] = [];
  elseif ($extension === 'core') {

    // Replace core dialog/jQuery UI implementations with Bootstrap Modals.
    if ($this->theme
      ->getSetting('modal_enabled')) {
      $libraries['drupal.dialog']['override'] = 'bootstrap/drupal.dialog';
      $libraries['drupal.dialog.ajax']['override'] = 'bootstrap/drupal.dialog.ajax';