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public function XmlrpcExampleTestCase::testXmlrpcExampleClient in Examples for Developers 7

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  1. 6 xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.test \XmlrpcExampleTestCase::testXmlrpcExampleClient()

Perform several calls using XML-RPC web client.


xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.test, line 69
Test case for the XML-RPC example module.


Functional tests for the XMLRPC Example module.


public function testXmlrpcExampleClient() {

  // Now test the UI.
  // Add the integers.
  $edit = array(
    'num1' => 3,
    'num2' => 5,
    ->drupalPost('examples/xmlrpc/client', $edit, t('Add the integers'));
    ->assertText(t('The XML-RPC server returned this response: @num', array(
    '@num' => 8,

  // Subtract the integers.
  $edit = array(
    'num1' => 8,
    'num2' => 3,
  $result = $this
    ->drupalPost('examples/xmlrpc/client', $edit, t('Subtract the integers'));
    ->assertText(t('The XML-RPC server returned this response: @num', array(
    '@num' => 5,

  // Request available methods.
    ->drupalPost('examples/xmlrpc/client', $edit, t('Request methods'));
    ->assertText('xmlrpc_example.add', 'The XML-RPC Add method was found.');
    ->assertText('xmlrpc_example.subtract', 'The XML-RPC Subtract method was found.');

  // Before testing multicall, verify that method exists.
    ->assertText('system.multicall', 'The XML-RPC Multicall method was found.');

  // Verify multicall request.
  $edit = array(
    'num1' => 5,
    'num2' => 2,
    ->drupalPost('examples/xmlrpc/client', $edit, t('Add and Subtract'));
    ->assertText('[0] => 7', 'The XML-RPC server returned the addition result.');
    ->assertText('[1] => 3', 'The XML-RPC server returned the subtraction result.');