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Example: Token API in Examples for Developers 6

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Examples using the Token API. (drupal 6)

The Token module provides an API for providing tokens to other modules. Tokens are small bits of text that can be placed into larger documents via simple placeholders, like %site-name or [user].

This example is part of the Examples for Developers Project which you can download and experiment with here:

Parent topics


token_example/token_example.module, line 12
The Token API module.


Namesort descending Location Description
token_entity_info token_example/token_example.module
token_entity_load token_example/token_example.module
token_example_example_form token_example/token_example.module Form builder; display lists of supported token entities and text to tokenize.
token_example_example_form_submit token_example/token_example.module Submit callback; store the submitted values into storage.
token_example_menu token_example/token_example.module Implements hook_menu().
token_example_token_list token_example/token_example.module Implements hook_token_list().
token_example_token_values token_example/token_example.module Implements hook_token_values().
_token_example_get_comment token_example/token_example.module Build a list of available comments.
_token_example_get_node token_example/token_example.module Build a list of available content.
_token_example_get_user token_example/token_example.module Build a list of availalbe user accounts.