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public function ThemingExampleTestCase::testThemingPage in Examples for Developers 7

Verify the functionality of the example module.


theming_example/theming_example.test, line 36
Simpletest case for theming_example module.


Functional tests for the theming example module.


public function testThemingPage() {

  // No need to login for this test.
  // Check that the main page has been themed (first line with <b>) and has
  // content.
    ->assertRaw('<strong>Some examples of pages');
    ->assertRaw('examples/theming_example/theming_example_select_form">Simple form 1</a>');

  // Visit the list demonstration page and check that css gets loaded
  // and do some spot checks on how the two lists were themed.
  $first_ul = $this
    ->assertTrue($first_ul[0]->li[0] == 'First item');
  $second_ul = $this
    ->assertTrue($second_ul[0]->li[1] == 'Second item');

  // Visit the select form page to do spot checks.

  // We did explicit theming to accomplish the below...
    ->assertRaw('<strong>Choose which ordering you want</strong>');
    ->assertRaw('<div class="container-inline"><div class="form-item form-type-select form-item-choice">');

  // Visit the text form page and do spot checks.
    ->assertText('Please input something!');

  // If it were themed normally there would be a div wrapper in our pattern.
    ->assertPattern('%</div>\\s*<input +type="submit"%');