in Examples for Developers 7
Example demonstrating a parent/child tabledrag form
tabledrag_example/tabledrag_example_parent_form.incView source
* @file
* Example demonstrating a parent/child tabledrag form
* Build the parent-child example form.
* Tabledrag will take care of updating the parent_id relationship on each
* row of our table when we drag items around, but we need to build out the
* initial tree structure ourselves. This means ordering our items such
* that children items come directly after their parent items, and all items
* are sorted by weight relative to their siblings.
* To keep this from cluttering the actual tabledrag code, we have moved
* this to a dedicated function.
* @return array
* A form array set for theming by theme_tabledrag_example_parent_form()
* @ingroup tabledrag_example
function tabledrag_example_parent_form($form_state) {
// Identify that the elements in 'example_items' are a collection, to
// prevent Form API from flattening the array when submitted.
$form['example_items']['#tree'] = TRUE;
// Fetch the example data from the database, ordered by parent/child/weight.
$result = tabledrag_example_parent_get_data();
// Iterate through each database result.
foreach ($result as $item) {
// Create a form entry for this item.
// Each entry will be an array using the the unique id for that item as
// the array key, and an array of table row data as the value.
$form['example_items'][$item->id] = array(
// We'll use a form element of type '#markup' to display the item name.
'name' => array(
'#markup' => $item->name,
// We'll use a form element of type '#textfield' to display the item
// description, to demonstrate that form elements can be included in the
// table. We limit the input to 255 characters, which is the limit we
// set on the database field.
'description' => array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $item->description,
'#size' => 20,
'#maxlength' => 255,
// For parent/child relationships, we also need to add form items to
// store the current item's unique id and parent item's unique id.
// We would normally use a hidden element for this, but for this example
// we'll use a disabled textfield element called 'id' so that we can
// display the current item's id in the table.
// Because tabledrag modifies the #value of this element, we use
// '#default_value' instead of '#value' when defining a hidden element.
// Also, because tabledrag modifies '#value', we cannot use a markup
// element, which does not support the '#value' property. (Markup
// elements use the '#markup' property instead.)
'id' => array(
// '#type' => 'hidden',
// '#default_value' => $item->id,
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#size' => 3,
'#default_value' => $item->id,
'#disabled' => TRUE,
// The same information holds true for the parent id field as for the
// item id field, described above.
'pid' => array(
// '#type' => 'hidden',
// '#default_value' => $item->pid,
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#size' => 3,
'#default_value' => $item->pid,
// The 'weight' field will be manipulated as we move the items around in
// the table using the tabledrag activity. We use the 'weight' element
// defined in Drupal's Form API.
'weight' => array(
'#type' => 'weight',
'#title' => t('Weight'),
'#default_value' => $item->weight,
'#delta' => 10,
'#title_display' => 'invisible',
// We'll use a hidden form element to pass the current 'depth' of each
// item within our parent/child tree structure to the theme function.
// This will be used to calculate the initial amount of indentation to
// add before displaying any child item rows.
'depth' => array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $item->depth,
// Now we add our submit button, for submitting the form results.
// The 'actions' wrapper used here isn't strictly necessary for tabledrag,
// but is included as a Form API recommended practice.
$form['actions'] = array(
'#type' => 'actions',
$form['actions']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save Changes'),
return $form;
* Theme callback for the tabledrag_example_parent_form form.
* The theme callback will format the $form data structure into a table and
* add our tabledrag functionality. (Note that drupal_add_tabledrag should be
* called from the theme layer, and not from a form declaration. This helps
* keep template files clean and readable, and prevents tabledrag.js from
* being added twice accidently.
* @ingroup tabledrag_example
function theme_tabledrag_example_parent_form($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
// Initialize the variable which will store our table rows.
$rows = array();
// Iterate over each element in our $form['example_items'] array.
foreach (element_children($form['example_items']) as $id) {
// Before we add our 'weight' column to the row, we need to give the
// element a custom class so that it can be identified in the
// drupal_add_tabledrag call.
// This could also have been done during the form declaration by adding
// @code
// '#attributes' => array('class' => 'example-item-weight'),
// @endcode
// directly to the 'weight' element in tabledrag_example_simple_form().
$form['example_items'][$id]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = array(
// In the parent/child example, we must also set this same custom class on
// our id and parent_id columns (which could also have been done within
// the form declaration, as above).
$form['example_items'][$id]['id']['#attributes']['class'] = array(
$form['example_items'][$id]['pid']['#attributes']['class'] = array(
// To support the tabledrag behaviour, we need to assign each row of the
// table a class attribute of 'draggable'. This will add the 'draggable'
// class to the <tr> element for that row when the final table is
// rendered.
$class = array(
// We can add the 'tabledrag-root' class to a row in order to indicate
// that the row may not be nested under a parent row. In our sample data
// for this example, the description for the item with id '8' flags it as
// a 'root' item which should not be nested.
if ($id == '8') {
$class[] = 'tabledrag-root';
// We can add the 'tabledrag-leaf' class to a row in order to indicate
// that the row may not contain child rows. In our sample data for this
// example, the description for the item with id '9' flags it as a 'leaf'
// item which can not contain child items.
if ($id == '9') {
$class[] = 'tabledrag-leaf';
// If this is a child element, we need to add some indentation to the row,
// so that it appears nested under its parent. Our $depth parameter was
// calculated while building the tree in tabledrag_example_parent_get_data
$indent = theme('indentation', array(
'size' => $form['example_items'][$id]['depth']['#value'],
// We are now ready to add each element of our $form data to the $rows
// array, so that they end up as individual table cells when rendered
// in the final table. We run each element through the drupal_render()
// function to generate the final html markup for that element.
$rows[] = array(
'data' => array(
// Add our 'name' column, being sure to include our indentation.
$indent . drupal_render($form['example_items'][$id]['name']),
// Add our 'description' column.
// Add our 'weight' column.
// Add our hidden 'id' column.
// Add our hidden 'parent id' column.
// To support the tabledrag behaviour, we need to assign each row of the
// table a class attribute of 'draggable'. This will add the 'draggable'
// class to the <tr> element for that row when the final table is
// rendered.
'class' => $class,
// We now define the table header values. Ensure that the 'header' count
// matches the final column count for your table.
// Normally, we would hide the headers on our hidden columns, but we are
// leaving them visible in this example.
// $header = array(t('Name'), t('Description'), '', '', '');
$header = array(
// We also need to pass the drupal_add_tabledrag() function an id which will
// be used to identify the <table> element containing our tabledrag form.
// Because an element's 'id' should be unique on a page, make sure the value
// you select is NOT the same as the form ID used in your form declaration.
$table_id = 'example-items-table';
// We can render our tabledrag table for output.
$output = theme('table', array(
'header' => $header,
'rows' => $rows,
'attributes' => array(
'id' => $table_id,
// And then render any remaining form elements (such as our submit button).
$output .= drupal_render_children($form);
// We now call the drupal_add_tabledrag() function in order to add the
// tabledrag.js goodness onto our page.
// For our parent/child tree table, we need to pass it:
// - the $table_id of our <table> element (example-items-table),
// - the $action to be performed on our form items ('match'),
// - a string describing where $action should be applied ('parent'),
// - the $group value (pid column) class name ('example-item-pid'),
// - the $subgroup value (pid column) class name ('example-item-pid'),
// - the $source value (id column) class name ('example-item-id'),
// - an optional $hidden flag identifying if the columns should be hidden,
// - an optional $limit parameter to control the max parenting depth.
drupal_add_tabledrag($table_id, 'match', 'parent', 'example-item-pid', 'example-item-pid', 'example-item-id', FALSE);
// Because we also want to sort in addition to providing parenting, we call
// the drupal_add_tabledrag function again, instructing it to update the
// weight field as items at the same level are re-ordered.
drupal_add_tabledrag($table_id, 'order', 'sibling', 'example-item-weight', NULL, NULL, FALSE);
return $output;
* Submit callback for the tabledrag_example_parent_form form.
* Updates the 'weight' column for each element in our table, taking into
* account that item's new order after the drag and drop actions have been
* performed.
* @ingroup tabledrag_example
function tabledrag_example_parent_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// Because the form elements were keyed with the item ids from the database,
// we can simply iterate through the submitted values.
foreach ($form_state['values']['example_items'] as $id => $item) {
db_query("UPDATE {tabledrag_example} SET weight = :weight, pid = :pid WHERE id = :id", array(
':weight' => $item['weight'],
':pid' => $item['pid'],
':id' => $id,
* Retrives the tree structure from database, and sorts by parent/child/weight.
* The sorting should result in children items immediately following their
* parent items, with items at the same level of the hierarchy sorted by
* weight.
* The approach used here may be considered too database-intensive.
* Optimization of the approach is left as an exercise for the reader. :)
* @ingroup tabledrag_example
function tabledrag_example_parent_get_data() {
// Get all 'root node' items (items with no parents), sorted by weight.
$rootnodes = db_query('SELECT id, name, description, weight, pid
FROM {tabledrag_example}
WHERE (pid = 0)
ORDER BY weight ASC');
// Initialize a variable to store our ordered tree structure.
$itemtree = array();
// Depth will be incremented in our _get_tree() function for the first
// parent item, so we start it at -1.
$depth = -1;
// Loop through the root nodes, and add their trees to the array.
foreach ($rootnodes as $parent) {
tabledrag_example_get_tree($parent, $itemtree, $depth);
return $itemtree;
* Recursively adds to the $itemtree array, ordered by parent/child/weight.
* @ingroup tabledrag_example
function tabledrag_example_get_tree($parentitem, &$itemtree = array(), &$depth = 0) {
// Increase our $depth value by one.
// Set the current tree 'depth' for this item, used to calculate indentation.
$parentitem->depth = $depth;
// Add the parent item to the tree.
$itemtree[$parentitem->id] = $parentitem;
// Retrieve each of the children belonging to this parent.
$children = db_query('SELECT id, name, description, weight, pid
FROM {tabledrag_example}
WHERE (pid = :pid)
ORDER BY weight ASC', array(
':pid' => $parentitem->id,
foreach ($children as $child) {
// Make sure this child does not already exist in the tree, to avoid loops.
if (!in_array($child->id, array_keys($itemtree))) {
// Add this child's tree to the $itemtree array.
tabledrag_example_get_tree($child, $itemtree, $depth);
// Finished processing this tree branch. Decrease our $depth value by one
// to represent moving to the next branch.
Name | Description |
tabledrag_example_get_tree | Recursively adds to the $itemtree array, ordered by parent/child/weight. |
tabledrag_example_parent_form | Build the parent-child example form. |
tabledrag_example_parent_form_submit | Submit callback for the tabledrag_example_parent_form form. |
tabledrag_example_parent_get_data | Retrives the tree structure from database, and sorts by parent/child/weight. |
theme_tabledrag_example_parent_form | Theme callback for the tabledrag_example_parent_form form. |