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public function NodeApiExampleTestCase::testNodeExampleBasic in Examples for Developers 7

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  1. 6 nodeapi_example/nodeapi_example.test \NodeApiExampleTestCase::testNodeExampleBasic()

Log user in, creates an example node, and uses the rating system.


nodeapi_example/nodeapi_example.test, line 63
Test case for Testing the node API example module.


Functional tests for the NodeAPI Example module.


public function testNodeExampleBasic() {

  // Login the user.

  // Create custom content type.
  $content_type = $this
  $type = $content_type->type;

  // Go to edit the settings of this content type.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $type);

  // Check if the new Rating options appear in the settings page.
    ->assertText(t('NodeAPI Example Rating'), 'Rating options found in content type.');
    ->assertFieldByName('nodeapi_example_node_type', 1, 'Rating is Disabled by default.');

  // Disable the rating for this content type: 0 for Disabled, 1 for Enabled.
  $content_settings = array(
    'nodeapi_example_node_type' => 0,
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $type, $content_settings, t('Save content type'));
    ->assertRaw(' has been updated.', 'Settings modified successfully for content type.');

  // Create an example node.
  $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
  $edit = array(
    "title" => $this
    ->drupalPost('node/add/' . $type, $edit, t('Save'));

  // Check that the rating is not shown, as we have not yet enabled it.
    ->assertNoRaw('Rating: <em>', 'Extended rating information is not shown.');

  // Save current current url (we are viewing the new node).
  $node_url = $this

  // Enable the rating for this content type: 0 for Disabled, 1 for Enabled.
  $content_settings = array(
    'nodeapi_example_node_type' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $type, $content_settings, t('Save content type'));
    ->assertRaw(' has been updated.', 'Settings modified successfully for content type.');

  // Check previously create node. It should be not rated.
    ->assertRaw(t('Rating: %rating', array(
    '%rating' => t('Unrated'),
  )), 'Content is not rated.');

  // Rate the content, 4 is for "Good"
  $rate = array(
    'nodeapi_example_rating' => 4,
    ->drupalPost($node_url . '/edit', $rate, t('Save'));

  // Check that content has been rated.
    ->assertRaw(t('Rating: %rating', array(
    '%rating' => t('Good'),
  )), 'Content is successfully rated.');