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node_type_example.install in Examples for Developers 8

Install file for node_type_example.


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 * @file
 * Install file for node_type_example.

 * Implements hook_install().
 * We don't want users to be able to delete our locked_content_type content
 * type. So therefore we have to tell Drupal that this is the case. This
 * can't be done in the content type's configuration YAML file, so we have to
 * do it in code, here.
 * @ingroup node_type_example
function node_type_example_install() {

  // Do not allow the locked content type to be deleted.
  $locked = Drupal::state()
  $locked['locked_content_type'] = 'locked_content_type';
    ->set('node.type.locked', $locked);

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
 * Our content types will live on in the Drupal installation, even after this
 * module is uninstalled. This is a good thing, since it allows the user to
 * make decisions about their fate. Therefore we should give the user the
 * option of deleting them.
 * Since we told Drupal that our locked_content_type is locked, we now have
 * to tell it to unlock.
 * @ingroup node_type_example
function node_type_example_uninstall() {

  // Allow locked_content_type to be deleted.
  $locked = Drupal::state()
    ->set('node.type.locked', $locked);
