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public function SessionExampleTest::testSessionExample in Examples for Developers 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 session_example/tests/src/Functional/SessionExampleTest.php \Drupal\Tests\session_example\Functional\SessionExampleTest::testSessionExample()

Functional tests for the session example.


modules/session_example/tests/src/Functional/SessionExampleTest.php, line 80


Tests the basic functions of the Session Example module.




public function testSessionExample() {
  $assert = $this

  // Get the form and verify that it has placeholders.
    ->responseContains('placeholder="Your name."', 'Name placeholder contains Your name');
    ->responseContains('placeholder="Your email address."', 'Email placeholder contains Your email address.');
    ->responseContains('placeholder="What is your quest?"', 'Quest placeholder contains What is your quest?');

  // Get the report and verify that it doesn't show any session information.
    ->pageTextContains('No name');
    ->pageTextContains('No email');
    ->pageTextContains('No quest');
    ->pageTextContains('No color');

  // Save an empty session submission.
    ->drupalPostForm(Url::fromRoute('session_example.form'), [], 'Save');
    ->pageTextContains('The session has been saved successfully.');

  // Make sure an empty session submission still has no reported information.
    ->clickLink('Check here');
    ->pageTextContains('No name');
    ->pageTextContains('No email');
    ->pageTextContains('No quest');
    ->pageTextContains('No color');

  // Submit some session information.
  $form_data = [
    'name' => 'Sir Lancelot',
    'quest' => 'To seek the Grail',
    'color' => 'blue',
    ->drupalPostForm(Url::fromRoute('session_example.form'), $form_data, 'Save');

  // Check that the report shows our information.
    ->clickLink('Check here');
  foreach ($form_data as $value) {

  // Clear the session.
    ->drupalPostForm(Url::fromRoute('session_example.form'), [], 'Clear Session');
    ->pageTextContains('Session is cleared.');

  // Verify that the session information doesn't show Sir Lancelot (or anyone
  // else).
    ->pageTextContains('No name');
    ->pageTextContains('No email');
    ->pageTextContains('No quest');
    ->pageTextContains('No color');