filter_example.module in Examples for Developers 7
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Module file for filter_example.
filter_example/filter_example.moduleView source
* @file
* Module file for filter_example.
* @defgroup filter_example Example: Filter
* @ingroup examples
* @{
* Demonstrates the creation of filters.
* This is an example outlining how a module can be used to define a filter
* to be run on user-submitted content before it is output to the browser.
* To show all the capabilities of the filter system, we will define two filters
* in this module. One will substitute the string "foo" with an
* administratively-defined replacement string. The other will find a custom
* XML tag, <time />, and replace it by the current time.
* Foo filter
* Drupal has several content formats (they are not filters), and in our example
* the foo replacement can be configured for each one of them, allowing an html
* or php replacement, so the module includes a settings callback, with options
* to configure that replacements. Also, a Tips callback will help showing the
* current replacement for the content type being edited.
* Time filter.
* This filter is a little trickier to implement than the previous one.
* Since the input involves special HTML characters (< and >) we have to
* run the filter before HTML is escaped/stripped by other filters. But
* we want to use HTML in our result as well, and so if we run this filter
* first our replacement string could be escaped or stripped. The solution
* is to use the "prepare" operation to escape the special characters, and
* to later replace our escaped version in the "process" step.
* Implements hook_menu().
function filter_example_menu() {
$items['examples/filter_example'] = array(
'title' => 'Filter Example',
'page callback' => '_filter_example_information',
'access callback' => TRUE,
return $items;
* Implements hook_help().
function filter_example_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#filter_example':
return _filter_example_information();
* Simply returns a little bit of information about the example.
function _filter_example_information() {
return t("<p>This example provides two filters.</p><p>Foo Filter replaces\n 'foo' with a configurable replacement.</p><p>Time Tag replaces the string\n '<time />' with the current time.</p><p>To use these filters, go to !link and\n configure an input format, or create a new one.</p>", array(
'!link' => l(t('admin/config/content/formats'), 'admin/config/content/formats'),
* Implements hook_filter_info().
* Here we define the different filters provided by the module. For this
* example, time_filter is a very static and simple replacement, but it requires
* some preparation of the string because of the special html tags < and >. The
* foo_filter is more complex, including its own settings and inline tips.
function filter_example_filter_info() {
$filters['filter_foo'] = array(
'title' => t('Foo Filter (example)'),
'description' => t('Every instance of "foo" in the input text will be replaced with a preconfigured replacement.'),
'process callback' => '_filter_example_filter_foo_process',
'default settings' => array(
'filter_example_foo' => 'bar',
'settings callback' => '_filter_example_filter_foo_settings',
'tips callback' => '_filter_example_filter_foo_tips',
$filters['filter_time'] = array(
'title' => t('Time Tag (example)'),
'description' => t("Every instance of the special <time /> tag will be replaced with the current date and time in the user's specified time zone."),
'prepare callback' => '_filter_example_filter_time_prepare',
'process callback' => '_filter_example_filter_time_process',
'tips callback' => '_filter_example_filter_time_tips',
return $filters;
* Foo filter
* Drupal has several text formats (they are not filters), and in our example
* the foo replacement can be configured for each one of them, so the module
* includes a settings callback, with options to configure those replacements.
* Also, a Tips callback will help showing the current replacement
* for the content type being edited.
* Settings callback for foo filter.
* Make use of $format to have different replacements for every input format.
* Since we allow the administrator to define the string that gets substituted
* when "foo" is encountered, we need to provide an interface for this kind of
* customization. The object format is also an argument of the callback.
* The settings defined in this form are stored in database by the filter
* module, and they will be available in the $filter argument.
function _filter_example_filter_foo_settings($form, $form_state, $filter, $format, $defaults) {
$settings['filter_example_foo'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Substitution string'),
'#default_value' => isset($filter->settings['filter_example_foo']) ? $filter->settings['filter_example_foo'] : $defaults['filter_example_foo'],
'#description' => t('The string to substitute for "foo" everywhere in the text.'),
return $settings;
* Foo filter process callback.
* The actual filtering is performed here. The supplied text should be returned,
* once any necessary substitutions have taken place. The example just replaces
* foo with our custom defined string in the settings page.
function _filter_example_filter_foo_process($text, $filter, $format) {
$replacement = isset($filter->settings['filter_example_foo']) ? $filter->settings['filter_example_foo'] : 'bar';
return str_replace('foo', $replacement, $text);
* Filter tips callback for foo filter.
* The tips callback allows filters to provide help text to users during the
* content editing process. Short tips are provided on the content editing
* screen, while long tips are provided on a separate linked page. Short tips
* are optional, but long tips are highly recommended.
function _filter_example_filter_foo_tips($filter, $format, $long = FALSE) {
$replacement = isset($filter->settings['filter_example_foo']) ? $filter->settings['filter_example_foo'] : 'bar';
if (!$long) {
// This string will be shown in the content add/edit form.
return t('<em>foo</em> replaced with %replacement.', array(
'%replacement' => $replacement,
else {
return t('Every instance of "foo" in the input text will be replaced with a configurable value. You can configure this value and put whatever you want there. The replacement value is "%replacement".', array(
'%replacement' => $replacement,
* Time filter prepare callback.
* We'll use [filter-example-time] as a replacement for the time tag.
* Note that in a more complicated filter a closing tag may also be
* required. For more information, see "Temporary placeholders and
* delimiters" at
function _filter_example_filter_time_prepare($text, $filter) {
return preg_replace('!<time ?/>!', '[filter-example-time]', $text);
* Time filter process callback.
* Now, in the "process" step, we'll search for our escaped time tags and
* do the real filtering: replace the xml tag with the date.
function _filter_example_filter_time_process($text, $filter) {
return str_replace('[filter-example-time]', '<em>' . format_date(time()) . '</em>', $text);
* Filter tips callback for time filter.
* The tips callback allows filters to provide help text to users during the
* content editing process. Short tips are provided on the content editing
* screen, while long tips are provided on a separate linked page. Short tips
* are optional, but long tips are highly recommended.
function _filter_example_filter_time_tips($filter, $format, $long = FALSE) {
return t('<em><time /></em> is replaced with the current time.');
* @} End of "defgroup filter_example".
Name![]() |
Description |
filter_example_filter_info | Implements hook_filter_info(). |
filter_example_help | Implements hook_help(). |
filter_example_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
_filter_example_filter_foo_process | Foo filter process callback. |
_filter_example_filter_foo_settings | Settings callback for foo filter. |
_filter_example_filter_foo_tips | Filter tips callback for foo filter. |
_filter_example_filter_time_prepare | Time filter prepare callback. |
_filter_example_filter_time_process | Time filter process callback. |
_filter_example_filter_time_tips | Filter tips callback for time filter. |
_filter_example_information | Simply returns a little bit of information about the example. |