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public function EventsExampleTest::testEventsExample in Examples for Developers 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 3.x modules/events_example/tests/src/Functional/EventsExampleTest.php \Drupal\Tests\events_example\Functional\EventsExampleTest::testEventsExample()

Test the output of the example page.


events_example/tests/src/Functional/EventsExampleTest.php, line 39


Test the functionality of the Events Example module.




public function testEventsExample() {

  // Test that the main page for the example is accessible.
  $events_example_form = Url::fromRoute('events_example.description');

  // Verify the page contains the required form fields.

  // Submit the form with an incident type of 'stolen_princess'. This does a
  // couple of things. Fist of all, it ensures that our code in
  // EventsExampleForm::submitForm() that dispatches events works. If it did
  // not work, no event would be dispatched, and the message below would never
  // get displayed. Secondly, it tests that our
  // EventsExampleSubscriber::notifyMario() event subscriber is triggered for
  // incidents of the type 'stolen_princess'.
  $values = [
    'incident_type' => 'stolen_princess',
    'incident' => $this
    ->drupalPostForm($events_example_form, $values, 'Submit');
    ->pageTextContains('Mario has been alerted. Thank you.');

  // Fill out the form again, this time testing that the
  // EventsExampleSubscriber::notifyBatman() subscriber is working.
  $values = [
    'incident_type' => 'joker',
    'incident' => $this
    ->drupalPostForm($events_example_form, $values, 'Submit');
    ->pageTextContains('Batman has been alerted. Thank you.');

  // Fill out the form again, this time testing that our default handler
  // catches all the remaining values.
  $values = [
    'incident_type' => 'cat',
    'incident' => $this
    ->drupalPostForm($events_example_form, $values, 'Submit');