in Examples for Developers 8
events_example/ source
- # Subscribing to an event requires you to create a new service tagged with the
- # 'event_subscriber' tag. This tells the service container, and by proxy the
- # event dispatcher service, that the class registered here can be queried to get
- # a list of events that it would like to be notified about.
- #
- # For more on defining and tagging services see
- #
- services:
- # Give your service a unique name, convention is to prefix service names with
- # the name of the module that implements them.
- events_example_subscriber:
- # Point to the class that will contain your implementation of
- # \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface
- class: Drupal\events_example\EventSubscriber\EventsExampleSubscriber
- tags:
- - {name: event_subscriber}