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public function EventGroup::getGroupOperations in Event 8

Provides a list of operations for a group.

These operations can be implemented in numerous ways by extending modules. Out of the box, Group provides a block that shows the available operations to a user visiting a route with a group in its URL.

Do not forget to specify cacheable metadata if you need to. This can be done in ::getGroupOperationsCacheableMetadata().


\Drupal\group\Entity\GroupInterface $group: The group to generate the operations for.

Return value

array An associative array of operation links to show when in a group context, keyed by operation name, containing the following key-value pairs:

  • title: The localized title of the operation.
  • url: An instance of \Drupal\Core\Url for the operation URL.
  • weight: The weight of the operation.

Overrides GroupContentEnablerBase::getGroupOperations

See also



modules/event_group/src/Plugin/GroupContentEnabler/EventGroup.php, line 29


Provides a content enabler for events.




public function getGroupOperations(GroupInterface $group) {
  return [];