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Functions in Event 5

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
event_uninstall ./event.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
event_update_1 ./event.install
event_update_2 ./event.install The database tables were altered slightly in the first few months of the 4.6 branch of the module. This update checks to see which version of the event table is installed on the site, and updates the necessary columns.
event_validate_form_date ./event.module Validates the start and end times in a node form submission. 1
event_week_days ./event.module Returns week day names and thier translated values, corrected for the start of week day settings (mon or sun) 7
event_week_header ./event.module Formats the weekday information into table header format 3
event_zonelist ./ 2
ical_escape_text ./ Escape #text elements for safe iCal use 1
ical_export ./ Turn an array of events into a valid iCalendar file 3
ical_help ./
ical_import ./ Given the location of a valide iCalendar file, will return an array of event information
ical_quoted_printable_encode ./ encode text using quoted-printable standard 1
ical_quoted_printable_escaped ./ escape ical separators in quoted-printable encoded code
theme_event_calendar_date_box ./event.theme Format an date's day box in a calendar
theme_event_calendar_day ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_list ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_month ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_table ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_week ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_empty_day ./event.theme Format an empty day on a calendar
theme_event_filter_control ./event.theme Format the event filter control dropdown
theme_event_ical_link ./event.theme Format the ical link
theme_event_links ./event.theme Format the links for event calendars
theme_event_more_link ./event.theme Format the 'read more' link for events
theme_event_nav_next ./event.theme Format the 'next' navigation controls for event calendars
theme_event_nav_prev ./event.theme Format the 'previous' navigation controls for event calendars
theme_event_nodeapi ./event.theme Format an date value for a nodeapi insert
theme_event_node_day ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_list ./event.theme
theme_event_node_month ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_table ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_week ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_upcoming_block ./event.theme Format the upcoming event block for event calendars
theme_event_upcoming_item ./event.theme Format an individual upcoming event block item
_event_date ./event.module Formats a GMT timestamp to local date values using time zone offset supplied. All timestamp values in event nodes are GMT and translated for display here. 4
_event_day_of_week ./event.module Return the day of week with start of week offset applied 8
_event_get_taxonomy_control ./event.module Returns a dropdown event taxonomy term input control. 1
_event_get_type_control ./event.module Returns a dropdown event-enabled content type input control. 1
_event_mktime ./event.module Formats local time values to GMT timestamp using time zone offset supplied. All time values in the database are GMT and translated here prior to insertion. 3
_event_nav ./event.module Build the navigation links for the calendar views 2
_event_node_ical ./event.module 3
_event_user_date ./event.module Returns a local timestamp (as defined by the user or site's timezone) for midnight GMT. 8
_event_user_time ./event.module Returns a local timestamp based on the user or site time zone. 8
_ical_calcOffset ./ 1
_ical_calcTime ./ 1
_ical_chooseOffset ./ 1
_ical_tz ./ 2


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