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Functions in Event 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
event_where_utc ./
event_where_utc ./
event_where_utc ./
event_zonelist ./event.module Returns an array of timezones, either keyed by the zones's numeric ID or by a composite key of ID and offset in seconds. 1
event_zonelist_by_id ./event.module Returns a single timezone 1
ical_escape_text ./ Escape #text elements for safe iCal use 1
ical_export ./ Turn an array of events into a valid iCalendar file 2
ical_help ./
ical_import ./ Given the location of a valide iCalendar file, will return an array of event information
ical_quoted_printable_encode ./ encode text using quoted-printable standard 1
ical_quoted_printable_escaped ./ escape ical separators in quoted-printable encoded code
theme_event_calendar_date_box ./event.theme Format an date's day box in a calendar
theme_event_calendar_day ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_list ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_month ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_table ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_calendar_week ./event.theme Format a calendar view
theme_event_empty_day ./event.theme Format an empty day on a calendar
theme_event_filter_control ./event.theme Format the event filter control dropdown
theme_event_ical_link ./event.theme Format the ical link
theme_event_links ./event.theme Format the links for event calendars
theme_event_more_link ./event.theme Format the 'read more' link for events
theme_event_nav_next ./event.theme Format the 'next' navigation controls for event calendars
theme_event_nav_prev ./event.theme Format the 'previous' navigation controls for event calendars
theme_event_nodeapi ./event.theme Format an date value for a nodeapi insert
theme_event_node_day ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_list ./event.theme
theme_event_node_month ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_table ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_week ./event.theme Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_upcoming_block ./event.theme Format the upcoming event block for event calendars
theme_event_upcoming_item ./event.theme Format an individual upcoming event block item
_event_block_upcoming ./event.module Helper function for upcoming events block. Can be called by other modules. 1
_event_day_of_week ./event.module Return the day of week with start of week offset applied 6
_event_format_url ./event.module Format event date for use in URL 14
_event_get_taxonomy_control ./event.module Returns a dropdown event taxonomy term input control. 1
_event_get_type_control ./event.module Returns a dropdown event-enabled content type input control. 1
_event_install_get_dst_dates ./event.install Returns the dates when TZ switches happen from 1970 to 2010. 1
_event_months ./event.module 2
_event_months_abbrev ./event.module 1
_event_nav ./event.module Build the navigation links for the calendar views 2
_event_node_ical ./event.module 2
_event_user_date ./event.module Returns a local time (as defined by the user or site's timezone) for midnight GMT. 6
_event_user_time ./event.module Returns local date + time based on the user or site time zone. 11
_ical_calc_offset ./ 1
_ical_calc_time ./ 1
_ical_choose_offset ./ 1
_ical_tz ./ 2


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