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14 calls to event_get_types() in Event 5.2

event_block in ./event.module
Provides the blocks that this module is capable of displaying.
event_calendar_data in ./event.module
Returns an array of nodes that occur on a given date. Handles content type and taxonomy filters.
event_enabled_state in ./event.module
Find the state of a node type. The state determines if and how those nodes will be displayed in the calendar. The state values are: 'all' Always shown in the calendar. 'solo' Only shown with nodes of its type. 'never'…
event_filter_node in ./event.module
event_filter_nodes in ./event.module
event_is_enabled in ./event.module
Find out if a node type is shown in all calendars.
event_taxonomy_filter_form in ./event.module
Builds the taxonomy filter form.
event_type_filter_form in ./event.module
Builds the form array for the content type input control.
theme_event_node_day in ./event.theme
Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_list in ./event.theme
theme_event_node_month in ./event.theme
Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_table in ./event.theme
Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_event_node_week in ./event.theme
Format an event node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
_event_block_upcoming in ./event.module
Helper function for upcoming events block. Can be called by other modules.