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11 calls to _event_user_time() in Event 5.2

event_block_upcoming in ./event.module
Creates a block that contains upcoming events.
event_cron in ./event.module
Implementation of hook_cron
event_feed in ./event.module
Url wrapper function for rss feeds
event_form_alter in ./event.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter
event_ical in ./event.module
Url wrapper function for ical feeds
event_term in ./event.module
Url wrapper function for static link to calendar by taxonomy terms.
event_type in ./event.module
Url wrapper function for static link to calendar by content type.
event_update_5 in ./event.install
event_zonelist in ./event.module
Returns an array of timezones, either keyed by the zones's numeric ID or by a composite key of ID and offset in seconds.
_event_block_upcoming in ./event.module
Helper function for upcoming events block. Can be called by other modules.
_event_user_date in ./event.module
Returns a local time (as defined by the user or site's timezone) for midnight GMT.