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eu-cookie-compliance-popup-agreed.tpl.php in EU Cookie Compliance (GDPR Compliance) 6

This is a template file for a pop-up informing a user that he has already agreed to cookies.

When overriding this template it is important to note that jQuery will use the following classes to assign actions to buttons:

hide-popup-button - destroy the pop-up find-more-button - link to an information page

Variables available:

  • $message: Contains the text that will be display whithin the pop-up
  • $hide_button: Contains hide butlon title
  • $find_more_button: Contains find more button title


View source

 * @file
 * This is a template file for a pop-up informing a user that he has already
 * agreed to cookies.
 * When overriding this template it is important to note that jQuery will use
 * the following classes to assign actions to buttons:
 * hide-popup-button - destroy the pop-up
 * find-more-button  - link to an information page
 * Variables available:
 * - $message:  Contains the text that will be display whithin the pop-up
 * - $hide_button: Contains hide butlon title
 * - $find_more_button: Contains find more button title

  <div class ="popup-content agreed">
    <div id="popup-text">

print $message;
    <div id="popup-buttons">
      <button type="button" class="hide-popup-button"><?php

print $hide_button;
?> </button>
    <button type="button" class="find-more-button" ><?php

print $find_more_button;