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eu_cookie_compliance.install in EU Cookie Compliance (GDPR Compliance) 7.2

Installation file.


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 * @file
 * Installation file.

 * Implements hook_schema().
function eu_cookie_compliance_schema() {
  $schema['eu_cookie_compliance_basic_consent'] = array(
    'description' => 'Basic consent storage for EU Cookie Compliance / GDPR.',
    'fields' => array(
      'cid' => array(
        'type' => 'serial',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique consent storage ID.',
      'uid' => array(
        'description' => '{users}.uid for user.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'timestamp' => array(
        'description' => 'Time of consent.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => FALSE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'ip_address' => array(
        'description' => 'The IP address.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        // Maximum length of an ipv6 IP address.
        'length' => 45,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'consent_type' => array(
        'description' => 'The type of consent, such as "banner" for the banner and form_id for forms.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'revision_id' => array(
        'description' => 'Revision of the privacy policy at the time of consent.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
    'primary key' => array(
    'indexes' => array(
      'uid' => array(
    'foreign keys' => array(
      'uid' => array(
        'users' => 'uid',
  return $schema;

 * Implements hook_install().
function eu_cookie_compliance_install() {
  $popup_settings = _eu_cookie_compliance_get_popup_default_setting();
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $popup_settings);

  // Enable banner for all roles.
  $roles = user_roles();
  $permission = 'display EU Cookie Compliance popup';
  foreach ($roles as $rid => $value) {
    user_role_grant_permissions($rid, array(

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
function eu_cookie_compliance_uninstall() {
  cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache');

 * Implements hook_requirements().
function eu_cookie_compliance_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  if ($phase === 'runtime') {
    module_load_include('module', 'eu_cookie_compliance', 'eu_cookie_compliance');
    $settings = eu_cookie_compliance_get_settings();
    if (!empty($settings['popup_link']) && $settings['popup_link'] === '<front>' && !empty($settings['show_disagree_button']) && $settings['show_disagree_button']) {
      $requirements['eu_cookie_compliance'] = array(
        'title' => t('EU Cookie Compliance'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'description' => t('Your privacy policy link is pointing at the front page. This is the default value after installation, and unless your privacy policy is actually posted at the front page, you will need to create a separate page for the privacy policy and link to that page.'),
        'value' => t('Privacy Policy link not provided'),
  return $requirements;
function eu_cookie_compliance_module_set_weight() {
  if (module_exists('jquery_update')) {

    // @TODO: Document why this weight change is needed. Add a test.
    // Get the weight of the jquery update module.
    $result = db_select('system', 's')
      ->fields('s', array(
      ->condition('name', 'jquery_update', '=')
    $weight = !empty($result) ? $result
      ->fetchField() : 0;

    // Set the weight of this module to 1 heavier.
      'weight' => $weight + 1,
      ->condition('name', 'eu_cookie_compliance', '=')

 * Gets the default settings for the 'eu_cookie_compliance' variables.
 * @return array
 *   Associative array containing the default value for each
 *   'eu_cookie_compliance' parameter.
function _eu_cookie_compliance_get_popup_default_setting() {
  $default_filter_format = filter_default_format();
  if ($default_filter_format === 'filtered_html' && filter_format_load('full_html')) {
    $default_filter_format = 'full_html';
  module_load_include('module', 'eu_cookie_compliance', 'eu_cookie_compliance');
  return array(
    'cookie_policy_version' => '1.0.0',
    'info_template' => 'new',
    'popup_info' => array(
      'value' => '<h2>We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience</h2><p>By clicking the Accept button, you agree to us doing so.</p>',
      'format' => $default_filter_format,
    'popup_agreed' => array(
      'value' => '<h2>Thank you for accepting cookies</h2><p>You can now hide this message or find out more about cookies.</p>',
      'format' => $default_filter_format,
    'popup_enabled' => TRUE,
    'popup_position' => FALSE,
    'popup_bg_hex' => '0779bf',
    'popup_text_hex' => 'fff',
    'popup_agreed_enabled' => FALSE,
    'popup_height' => '',
    'popup_width' => '100%',
    'popup_delay' => 1000,
    'popup_link' => '<front>',
    'fixed_top_position' => TRUE,
    'consent_storage_method' => 'do_not_store',
    'disabled_javascripts' => '',
    'cookie_session' => 0,
    'disable_google_analytics' => 0,
    'withdraw_message' => array(
      'value' => '<h2>We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience</h2><p>You have given your consent for us to set cookies.</p>',
      'format' => $default_filter_format,
    'withdraw_action_button_label' => 'Withdraw consent',
    'withdraw_tab_button_label' => 'Privacy settings',
    'withdraw_enabled' => 0,
    'accept_all_categories_button_label' => 'Accept all cookies',
    'better_support_for_screen_readers' => 0,
    'cookie_categories' => '',
    'cookie_name' => '',
    'cookie_value_disagreed' => '0',
    'cookie_value_agreed_show_thank_you' => '1',
    'cookie_value_agreed' => '2',
    'disagree_button_label' => 'No, thanks',
    'disagree_do_not_show_popup' => 0,
    'domains_list' => '',
    'domains_option' => 1,
    'enable_save_preferences_button' => 1,
    'eu_only_js' => 0,
    'eu_only' => 0,
    'exclude_admin_pages' => 0,
    'exclude_paths' => '',
    'exclude_uid_1' => 0,
    'fix_first_cookie_category' => 1,
    'method' => 'opt_in',
    'mobile_breakpoint' => 768,
    'mobile_popup_info' => array(
      'value' => '<h2>We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience</h2><p>By tapping the Accept button, you agree to us doing so.</p>',
      'format' => $default_filter_format,
    'popup_agree_button_message' => 'OK, I agree',
    'popup_clicking_confirmation' => 1,
    'popup_disagree_button_message' => 'No, give me more info',
    'popup_find_more_button_message' => 'More info',
    'popup_hide_agreed' => 0,
    'popup_hide_button_message' => 'Hide',
    'popup_link_new_window' => 1,
    'popup_scrolling_confirmation' => 0,
    'reload_page' => 0,
    'save_preferences_button_label' => 'Save preferences',
    'script_scope' => 'footer',
    'show_disagree_button' => 1,
    'use_bare_css' => 0,
    'use_mobile_message' => 0,
    'allowed_cookies' => '',
    'withdraw_button_on_info_popup' => 0,
    'containing_element' => 'body',

 * Change the banner sliding animation time from seconds to milliseconds.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7000(&$sandbox = NULL) {
  global $language;
  if (module_exists('locale')) {
    $languages = locale_language_list();
    foreach ($languages as $key => $current_language) {
      $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance_' . $key, array());
      if (!empty($eu_cookie_settings['popup_delay'])) {
        $eu_cookie_settings['popup_delay'] *= 1000;
        variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance_' . $key, $eu_cookie_settings);
  else {
    $current_language = $language->language ? $language->language : 'en';
    $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance_' . $current_language, array());
    if (!empty($eu_cookie_settings['popup_delay'])) {
      $eu_cookie_settings['popup_delay'] *= 1000;
      variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance_' . $current_language, $eu_cookie_settings);

 * Migrate translation handling to Variable API.
 * NOTE: Make sure the variable_realm and i18n_variable modules are either
 * enabled or in the filesystem if you are using multiple languages.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7001(&$sandbox) {
  $languages = language_list();
  $variable_names = db_query("SELECT name FROM {variable} WHERE name LIKE '%eu_cookie_compliance_%' AND name NOT IN('eu_cookie_compliance_domain', 'eu_cookie_compliance_cookie_lifetime')")
  $default_value = array();
  if (count($variable_names) === 1) {

    // We only have one language.
    $name = reset($variable_names);
    $default_value = variable_get($name);
  else {

    // Multiple languages, need to install variable_realm module.
    $variable_exists = TRUE;
    if (!module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
      $variable_exists = module_enable(array(
    if ($variable_exists) {
      $default_language = language_default('language');
      foreach ($variable_names as $name) {
        $langcode = str_replace('eu_cookie_compliance_', '', $name);
        if (isset($languages[$langcode])) {
          $value = variable_get($name);
          if ($langcode == $default_language) {
            $default_value = $value;
          variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $value, FALSE);

      // Enable translation variables for EU Cookie Compliance.
      $controller = variable_realm_controller('language');
      $old_variables = $controller
      $old_list = variable_children($old_variables);
      $variables = array_merge($old_list, array(
        ->setRealmVariable('list', $variables);
    else {
      throw new DrupalUpdateException('EU Cookie Compliance now requires the modules variable ( ) and i18n ( ) for multilingual sites. Please add these modules to your site.');

  // Even with i18n_variable, aan entry in the variable table is required.
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $default_value);
  cache_clear_all('variables', 'cache');

 * Delete the menu item that was added due to a missing menu item type in 1.15.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7002() {
  db_query('delete from {menu_links} where link_path = \'eu-cookie-compliance-check\'');

 * Clear cache for only the settings of this module, to initialize new module settings.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7003() {
  module_load_include('module', 'eu_cookie_compliance', 'eu_cookie_compliance');

 * Version 1.21. Clear cache for only the settings of this module.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7004() {
  module_load_include('module', 'eu_cookie_compliance', 'eu_cookie_compliance');

 * Version 1.24. Add new settings.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7005() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $eu_cookie_settings['method'] = 'default';
  $eu_cookie_settings['disagree_button_label'] = 'No, thanks';
  $eu_cookie_settings['disabled_javascripts'] = '';
  $eu_cookie_settings['whitelisted_cookies'] = '';
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings);

 * Version 1.24. Create table for storing consent, and update settings.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7006() {

  // NEVER load the schema with hook schema as the schema may has changed!
  $schema['eu_cookie_compliance_basic_consent'] = array(
    'description' => 'Basic consent storage for EU Cookie Compliance / GDPR.',
    'fields' => array(
      'cid' => array(
        'type' => 'serial',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique consent storage ID.',
      'uid' => array(
        'description' => '{users}.uid for user.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'timestamp' => array(
        'description' => 'Time of consent.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => FALSE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'ip_address' => array(
        'description' => 'The IP address.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        // Maximum length of an ipv6 IP address.
        'length' => 45,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'consent_type' => array(
        'description' => 'The type of consent, such as "banner" for the banner and form_id for forms.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'revision_id' => array(
        'description' => 'Revision of the privacy policy at the time of consent.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
    'primary key' => array(
    'indexes' => array(
      'uid' => array(
    'foreign keys' => array(
      'uid' => array(
        'users' => 'uid',
  if (!db_table_exists('eu_cookie_compliance_basic_consent')) {
    db_create_table('eu_cookie_compliance_basic_consent', $schema['eu_cookie_compliance_basic_consent']);
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $eu_cookie_settings['consent_storage_method'] = 'do_not_store';
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings);
  module_load_include('module', 'eu_cookie_compliance', 'eu_cookie_compliance');

 * Version 1.24. Be sure weight of the module is higher than jQuery Update.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7007() {

 * Add config variables for the withdraw banner.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7008() {
  $default_filter_format = filter_default_format();
  if ($default_filter_format === 'filtered_html' && filter_format_load('full_html')) {
    $default_filter_format = 'full_html';
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $eu_cookie_settings['withdraw_message'] = array(
    'value' => '<h2>We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience</h2><p>You have given your consent for us to set cookies.</p>',
    'format' => $default_filter_format,
  $eu_cookie_settings['withdraw_action_button_label'] = 'Withdraw consent';
  $eu_cookie_settings['withdraw_tab_button_label'] = 'Privacy settings';
  $eu_cookie_settings['withdraw_enabled'] = 0;

  // Set default info template to 'legacy' for 'consent by default' config
  // option.
  if (!array_key_exists('info_template', $eu_cookie_settings)) {
    $eu_cookie_settings['info_template'] = 'legacy';
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings);

 * Disable withdraw tab and banner in the consent method "Consent by default".
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7009() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  if (!empty($eu_cookie_settings['method']) && $eu_cookie_settings['method'] === 'default' && !empty($eu_cookie_settings['withdraw_enabled']) && $eu_cookie_settings['withdraw_enabled'] == 1) {
    $eu_cookie_settings['withdraw_enabled'] = 0;
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings);

 * Ensure that all "eu_cookie_compliance" parameters have a default value.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7010() {
  $settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $updated_setting = $settings + _eu_cookie_compliance_get_popup_default_setting();
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_setting);
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $langcode);
      if (!empty($settings)) {
        $updated_setting = $settings + _eu_cookie_compliance_get_popup_default_setting();
        variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_setting, FALSE);

 * Make sure that configurations are correct for multilingual sites.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7011() {
  if (function_exists('i18n_variable_get')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $language) {
      $eu_cookie_language_settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $language);
      if ($eu_cookie_language_settings && !array_key_exists('info_template', $eu_cookie_language_settings)) {
        $eu_cookie_language_settings['info_template'] = 'legacy';
        variable_realm_set('language', $language, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_language_settings, FALSE);

 * Add config variables for the "Opt-in with categories" feature.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7012() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $new_settings = array(
    'cookie_categories' => '',
    'enable_save_preferences_button' => TRUE,
    'save_preferences_button_label' => 'Save preferences',
    'accept_all_categories_button_label' => 'Accept all cookies',
    'fix_first_cookie_category' => TRUE,
    'select_all_categories_by_default' => FALSE,
    'withdraw_button_on_info_popup' => FALSE,
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings + $new_settings);
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $langcode);
      if (!empty($settings)) {
        $updated_setting = $settings + $new_settings;
        variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_setting, FALSE);

 * Add any missing defaults to sites with i18n or domain settings enabled.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7013() {

  // Get defaults.
  $default_settings = _eu_cookie_compliance_get_popup_default_setting();

  // Add any missing configuration defaults to the regular variable.
  $updated_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array()) + $default_settings;
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_settings);

  // Set any missing configuration variables for all languages.
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $langcode);
      if (!empty($settings)) {
        $updated_settings = $settings + $default_settings;
        variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_settings, FALSE);

  // Set any missing configuration variables for all domains.
  if (module_exists('domain_settings') && module_exists('domain_conf')) {
    $domains = domain_domains();
    foreach ($domains as $domain_data) {
      $domain_id = $domain_data['domain_id'];

      // Check whether we have eu_cookie_compliance or eu_cookie_compliance_en.
      $all_domain_settings = domain_conf_data_get($domain_id);
      $key = FALSE;
      if (array_key_exists('eu_cookie_compliance', $all_domain_settings)) {
        $key = 'eu_cookie_compliance';
      else {
        if (array_key_exists('eu_cookie_compliance_' . language_default('language'), $all_domain_settings)) {
          $key = 'eu_cookie_compliance_' . language_default('language');
      if ($key) {
        $settings = domain_conf_variable_get($domain_id, $key);
        $updated_settings = $settings + $default_settings;
        domain_conf_variable_save($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_settings);

 * Change configuration variable whitelisted_cookies to allowed_cookies.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7014() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $eu_cookie_settings['allowed_cookies'] = $eu_cookie_settings['whitelisted_cookies'];
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings);

 * Add config variable for containing element.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7015() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $new_settings = array(
    'containing_element' => 'body',
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings + $new_settings);
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $langcode);
      if (!empty($settings)) {
        $updated_setting = $settings + $new_settings;
        variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_setting, FALSE);

  // Set configuration variables for all domains.
  if (module_exists('domain_settings') && module_exists('domain_conf')) {
    $domains = domain_domains();
    foreach ($domains as $domain_data) {
      $domain_id = $domain_data['domain_id'];
      $settings = domain_conf_variable_get($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance');
      $updated_settings = $settings + $new_settings;
      domain_conf_variable_save($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_settings);

 * Add config variable for cookie policy version.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7016() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $new_settings = array(
    'cookie_policy_version' => '1.0.0',
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings + $new_settings);
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $langcode);
      if (!empty($settings)) {
        $updated_setting = $settings + $new_settings;
        variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_setting, FALSE);

  // Set configuration variables for all domains.
  if (module_exists('domain_settings') && module_exists('domain_conf')) {
    $domains = domain_domains();
    foreach ($domains as $domain_data) {
      $domain_id = $domain_data['domain_id'];
      $settings = domain_conf_variable_get($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance');
      $updated_settings = $settings + $new_settings;
      domain_conf_variable_save($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_settings);

 * Migrate categories from string to array.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7017() {
  $settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $categories = $settings['cookie_categories'];
  if (!is_array($categories)) {

    // Split the string by new line and pipes and transform into array.
    $categories = _eu_cookie_compliance_extract_category_key_label_description($categories);
    $categories = _migrate_cookie_categories_to_separate_structure($categories, $settings);

  // Store categories in a new variable.
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance_categories', $categories);

  // Remove legacy values from main variable.
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $settings);
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = variable_realm_get('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', array());
      $categories = $settings['cookie_categories'];
      if (!is_array($categories)) {

        // Split the string by new line and pipes and transform into array.
        $categories = _eu_cookie_compliance_extract_category_key_label_description($categories);
        $categories = _migrate_cookie_categories_to_separate_structure($categories, $settings);

      // Store categories in a new variable.
      variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance_categories', $categories, FALSE);

      // Remove legacy values from main variable.
      variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $settings, FALSE);

  // Set configuration variables for all domains.
  if (module_exists('domain_settings') && module_exists('domain_conf')) {
    $domains = domain_domains();
    foreach ($domains as $domain_data) {
      $domain_id = $domain_data['domain_id'];
      $settings = domain_conf_variable_get($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance');
      $categories = $settings['cookie_categories'];
      if (!is_array($categories)) {

        // Split the string by new line and pipes and transform into array.
        $categories = _eu_cookie_compliance_extract_category_key_label_description($categories);
        $categories = _migrate_cookie_categories_to_separate_structure($categories, $settings);

      // Store categories in a new variable.
      domain_conf_variable_save($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance_categories', $categories);

      // Remove legacy values from main variable.
      domain_conf_variable_save($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $settings);

 * Add variable for automatic cookies removal toggle.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7018() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());

  // No option to disable given before, so the default is TRUE.
  $new_settings = array(
    'automatic_cookies_removal' => TRUE,
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings + $new_settings);
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $langcode);
      if (!empty($settings)) {
        $updated_setting = $settings + $new_settings;
        variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_setting, FALSE);

  // Set configuration variables for all domains.
  if (module_exists('domain_settings') && module_exists('domain_conf')) {
    $domains = domain_domains();
    foreach ($domains as $domain_data) {
      $domain_id = $domain_data['domain_id'];
      $settings = domain_conf_variable_get($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance');
      $updated_settings = $settings + $new_settings;
      domain_conf_variable_save($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_settings);

 * Add config variables for cookie values.
function eu_cookie_compliance_update_7019() {
  $eu_cookie_settings = variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', array());
  $new_settings = array(
    'cookie_value_disagreed' => '0',
    'cookie_value_agreed_show_thank_you' => '1',
    'cookie_value_agreed' => '2',
  variable_set('eu_cookie_compliance', $eu_cookie_settings + $new_settings);
  if (module_exists('i18n_variable')) {
    $languages = language_list();
    foreach (array_keys($languages) as $langcode) {
      $settings = i18n_variable_get('eu_cookie_compliance', $langcode);
      if (!empty($settings)) {
        $updated_setting = $settings + $new_settings;
        variable_realm_set('language', $langcode, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_setting, FALSE);

  // Set configuration variables for all domains.
  if (module_exists('domain_settings') && module_exists('domain_conf')) {
    $domains = domain_domains();
    foreach ($domains as $domain_data) {
      $domain_id = $domain_data['domain_id'];
      $settings = domain_conf_variable_get($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance');
      $updated_settings = $settings + $new_settings;
      domain_conf_variable_save($domain_id, 'eu_cookie_compliance', $updated_settings);

 * Transform string based categories into array based ones.
 * @param $categories
 *   The array of categories to transform.
 * @param $settings
 *   The full configuration settings.
 * @return array
function _migrate_cookie_categories_to_separate_structure($categories, $settings) {
  if (count($categories)) {
    $i = 0;

    // Add default values for new attributes like weight.
    foreach ($categories as $machine_name => &$category) {
      $category['machine_name'] = $machine_name;
      $category['checkbox_default_state'] = 'unchecked';

      // Preserve all categories being automatically checked
      // and first category's special treatment, if any.
      if (!empty($settings['select_all_categories_by_default'])) {
        $category['checkbox_default_state'] = 'checked';
      if ($i === 0 && !empty($settings['fix_first_cookie_category'])) {
        $category['checkbox_default_state'] = 'required';
      $category['weight'] = $i++;
  return $categories;


Namesort descending Description
eu_cookie_compliance_install Implements hook_install().
eu_cookie_compliance_requirements Implements hook_requirements().
eu_cookie_compliance_schema Implements hook_schema().
eu_cookie_compliance_uninstall Implements hook_uninstall().
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7000 Change the banner sliding animation time from seconds to milliseconds.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7001 Migrate translation handling to Variable API.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7002 Delete the menu item that was added due to a missing menu item type in 1.15.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7003 Clear cache for only the settings of this module, to initialize new module settings.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7004 Version 1.21. Clear cache for only the settings of this module.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7005 Version 1.24. Add new settings.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7006 Version 1.24. Create table for storing consent, and update settings.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7007 Version 1.24. Be sure weight of the module is higher than jQuery Update.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7008 Add config variables for the withdraw banner.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7009 Disable withdraw tab and banner in the consent method "Consent by default".
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7010 Ensure that all "eu_cookie_compliance" parameters have a default value.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7011 Make sure that configurations are correct for multilingual sites.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7012 Add config variables for the "Opt-in with categories" feature.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7013 Add any missing defaults to sites with i18n or domain settings enabled.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7014 Change configuration variable whitelisted_cookies to allowed_cookies.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7015 Add config variable for containing element.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7016 Add config variable for cookie policy version.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7017 Migrate categories from string to array.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7018 Add variable for automatic cookies removal toggle.
eu_cookie_compliance_update_7019 Add config variables for cookie values.
_eu_cookie_compliance_get_popup_default_setting Gets the default settings for the 'eu_cookie_compliance' variables.
_migrate_cookie_categories_to_separate_structure Transform string based categories into array based ones.