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eu_cookie_compliance.api.php in EU Cookie Compliance (GDPR Compliance) 7.2

Documentation for the EU Cookie Compliance module.

This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


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 * @file
 * Documentation for the EU Cookie Compliance module.
 * This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional
 * documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard
 * Drupal manner.

 * @defgroup EU Cookie Compliance hooks
 * @{
 * Hooks that can be implemented to externally extend the EU Cookie Compliance
 * module.

 * Alter the geo_ip_match variable.
 * @param bool &$geoip_match
 *   Whether to show the cookie compliance banner.
function hook_eu_cookie_compliance_geoip_match_alter(&$geoip_match) {
  $geoip_match['in_eu'] = FALSE;

 * Take control of EU Cookie Compliance path exclusion.
 * @param bool $excluded
 *   Whether this path is excluded from cookie compliance behavior.
 * @param string $path
 *   Current string path.
 * @param string $setting
 *   Admin variable of excluded paths.
function hook_eu_cookie_compliance_path_match_alter(&$excluded, $path, $setting) {
  $node = menu_get_object('node');
  if ($node && $node->type === 'my_type') {
    $excluded = TRUE;

 * Alter hook to provide advanced logic for hiding the banner.
 * @param bool $show_popup
 *   Whether to show the banner.
function hook_eu_cookie_compliance_show_popup_alter(&$show_popup) {
  $node = menu_get_object('node');
  if ($node && $node->type === 'my_type') {
    $show_popup = FALSE;

 * @}
 * End hook documentation.


Namesort descending Description
hook_eu_cookie_compliance_geoip_match_alter Alter the geo_ip_match variable.
hook_eu_cookie_compliance_path_match_alter Take control of EU Cookie Compliance path exclusion.
hook_eu_cookie_compliance_show_popup_alter Alter hook to provide advanced logic for hiding the banner.