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eu_cookie_compliance.schema.yml in EU Cookie Compliance (GDPR Compliance) 2.0.x

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  1. 8 config/schema/eu_cookie_compliance.schema.yml


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  1. # Schema for the configuration files of the EU Cookie Compliance.
  2. eu_cookie_compliance.settings:
  3. type: config_object
  4. label: 'EU Cookie Compliance Settings'
  5. mapping:
  6. uuid:
  7. type: uuid
  8. label: 'UUID'
  9. method:
  10. type: string
  11. label: 'Consent method'
  12. method_for_non_eu_countries:
  13. type: string
  14. label: 'Consent method for non-EU countries'
  15. disabled_javascripts:
  16. type: string
  17. label: 'Disable JavaScripts'
  18. automatic_cookies_removal:
  19. type: boolean
  20. label: 'Enable cookie(s) automatic-removal when consent is not explicitly given'
  21. allowed_cookies:
  22. type: string
  23. label: 'Allowed cookies'
  24. consent_storage_method:
  25. type: string
  26. label: 'Consent storage method'
  27. privacy_policy_link:
  28. type: label
  29. label: 'Privacy policy link'
  30. privacy_policy_version:
  31. type: label
  32. label: 'Privacy policy version'
  33. show_only_in_eu_countries:
  34. type: boolean
  35. label: 'Only display banner in EU countries.'
  36. cookie_name:
  37. type: string
  38. label: 'Only display banner in EU countries.'
  39. cookie_value_disagreed:
  40. type: string
  41. label: 'Cookie value (disagreed or opted out)'
  42. cookie_value_agreed:
  43. type: string
  44. label: 'Cookie value (agreed or opted in)'
  45. cookie_same_site:
  46. type: string
  47. label: 'Cookie Same-Site value'
  48. reload_page_on_agree:
  49. type: boolean
  50. label: 'Reload page after user clicks the "Agree" button.'
  51. reload_include_or_exclude_list:
  52. type: label
  53. label: 'Include/exclude specified routes for reloading'
  54. reload_routes_list:
  55. type: string
  56. label: 'Routes list'
  57. domains_option:
  58. type: label
  59. label: 'Add/Remove banner on specified domains'
  60. domains_list:
  61. type: string
  62. label: 'Domains list'
  63. exclude_paths:
  64. type: string
  65. label: 'Exclude paths'
  66. exclude_admin_role:
  67. type: string
  68. label: "Don't show the banner for site administrators (including UID 1)."
  69. domain:
  70. type: string
  71. label: 'Domain'
  72. set_domain_for_all_sites:
  73. type: boolean
  74. label: 'Allow the cookie to be set for all sites on the same domain.'
  75. set_cookie_session_zero_on_disagree:
  76. type: boolean
  77. label: 'Disagree set cookie session'
  78. prompt_on_every_session:
  79. type: boolean
  80. label: 'Prompt for consent (from the same user) at every new browser session.'