You are here in ESI: Edge Side Includes 7.3


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 * ESI prepare, render and flush hooks.

 * Prepare an ESI panels pane for rendering.
 * Defined in hook_esi_component_info().
 * @see esi_panels_esi_component_info().
function esi_panels__esi_pane_prepare($component_key) {

  // The URL pattern approximately corresponds to the function arguments:
  // 1. A component key, which is a colon-separated set of pieces of
  //    information: the theme name, the display ID and the pane ID.
  // 2. An optional task name.
  // 3. A variable number of arguments to the display.
  // 4. The original URL.
  // Use the parameters to reconstruct:
  // - Display
  // - Pane
  // - Contexts
  list($theme, $did, $pid) = explode(':', $component_key);

  // Check for optional args.
  $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);

  // Cache mode is the last argument, and url is second-to-last.
  $cache_mode = array_pop($args);
  $url = array_pop($args);
  if ($did) {

    // Task-name and context identifier are next in the URL, if context is used
    // by the pane.
    $display = panels_load_display($did);
    $pane = $display->content[$pid];
  else {

    // If no did, try to look for panels_display from exported code.
    $panelizer_defaults = ctools_export_load_object('panelizer_defaults');
    foreach ($panelizer_defaults as $name => $panelizer_default) {
      if (!empty($panelizer_default->display->content)) {
        $panes = array_keys($panelizer_default->display->content);
        if (in_array($pid, $panes)) {
          $display = $panelizer_default->display;
          $pane = $panelizer_default->display->content[$pid];
  $pane->esi_meta = array(
    'display_contexts' => array(),

  // If the pane has context, attempt to load the context from the display
  // data.
  if (!empty($pane->configuration['context'])) {

    // The task name is always the first of the optional arguments.
    $task_name = array_shift($args);
    list($task, $subtask) = _esi_panels__get_task_identifier($task_name);
    $pane->esi_meta['task'] = $task;
    $pane->esi_meta['subtask'] = $subtask;
  $pane->esi_meta += array(
    'display' => $display,
    'theme' => $theme,
    'display_args' => $args,
    'url' => base64_decode($url),
  return $pane;

 * Restore the original context that was used when a block was displayed.
function esi_panels__restore_context(&$pane) {

  // Restore the theme.
  global $theme;
  $theme = $pane->esi_meta['theme'];
  $_GET['q'] = $pane->esi_meta['url'];
  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $pane->esi_meta['url'];

  // Load up contexts. Owch.
  if (!empty($pane->configuration['context'])) {

    // Load the task/subtask plugins.
    $task = page_manager_get_task($pane->esi_meta['task']);
    $subtask = empty($pane->esi_meta['subtask']) ? '' : page_manager_get_task_subtask($task, $pane->esi_meta['subtask']);

    // Use the task-name and the original display arguments to generate the
    // arguments that were passed to the context constructor.
    // E.g. The node_view task takes "1" and returns node_load(1).
    $base_context_arguments = esi_panels__get_base_context_arguments($pane->esi_meta['task'], $pane->esi_meta['subtask'], $pane->esi_meta['display_args']);
    $base_contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_task_contexts($task, $subtask, $base_context_arguments);

    // The base contexts are then typically used in the task plugin as render
    // information:
    // $output = ctools_context_handler_render($task, '', $contexts, array($node->nid));
    // Other contexts are usually loaded by the panel_context task_handler
    // plugin in the render function panels_panel_context_render():
    // $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_handler_contexts($base_contexts, $handler);
    // Load the relevant handler
    $contexts = array();
    $handlers = page_manager_load_sorted_handlers($task, $subtask ? $subtask['name'] : '', TRUE);
    $id = ctools_context_handler_get_render_handler($task, $subtask, $handlers, $base_contexts, $pane->esi_meta['display_args']);
    if ($id) {
      $handler = $handlers[$id];
      $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_handler_contexts($base_contexts, $handler);
    $pane->esi_meta['display_contexts'] = $contexts;

 * Render the HTML for a single block.
 * Defined in hook_esi_component_info().
 * @see esi_panels_esi_component_info()
function esi_panels__esi_pane_render($pane) {

  // Much of this is from the "standard" display renderer:
  // see panels_renderer_standard::prepare().
  $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);

  // Check access control; if the user doesn't have access, simply return an
  // empty string.
  // ctools_include('context');
  // if ($pane->access && !empty($pane->display_contexts) && ctools_access($pane->access, $pane->display_contexts)) {
  //   return '';
  // }
  $content = ctools_content_render($pane->type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, array(), $pane->esi_meta['display_args'], $pane->esi_meta['display_contexts']);
  if (empty($content)) {
    return '';
  foreach (module_implements('panels_pane_content_alter') as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_panels_pane_content_alter';
    $function($content, $pane, $pane->esi_meta['display_args'], $pane->esi_meta['display_contexts']);

  // Pass long the css_id that is usually available.
  if (!empty($pane->css['css_id'])) {
    $content->css_id = check_plain($pane->css['css_id']);

  // Pass long the css_class that is usually available.
  if (!empty($pane->css['css_class'])) {
    $content->css_class = check_plain($pane->css['css_class']);
  if (!empty($content->content)) {
    if (!empty($pane->style['style'])) {
      $style = panels_get_style($pane->style['style']);
      if (isset($style) && isset($style['render pane'])) {
        $output = theme($style['render pane'], array(
          'content' => $content,
          'pane' => $pane,
          'display' => $this->display,
          'style' => $style,
          'settings' => $pane->style['settings'],

        // This could be null if no theme function existed.
        if (isset($output)) {
          return $output;

    // Fallback.
    return theme('panels_pane', array(
      'content' => $content,
      'pane' => $pane,
      'display' => $pane->esi_meta['display'],

 * Set HTTP headers to control caching of ESI fragments.
function esi_panels_set_http_headers($pane) {
  $headers = array();

  // If ttl is set, add it to the headers.
  if (isset($pane->cache['settings'])) {
    if ($ttl = $pane->cache['settings']['esi_ttl']) {
      $headers[] = array(
        "private, max-age={$ttl}",

  // Allow other modules to alter the headers.
  // @see hook_esi_block_cache_headers_alter().
  drupal_alter('esi_panels_cache_headers', $headers, $pane);
  foreach ($headers as $header) {
    drupal_add_http_header($header[0], $header[1]);

 * Flush the ESI block caches.
 * Defined in hook_esi_component_info().
 * @see esi_panels_esi_component_info()
function esi_panels__esi_pane_flush() {

  // @TODO.


Namesort descending Description
esi_panels_set_http_headers Set HTTP headers to control caching of ESI fragments.
esi_panels__esi_pane_flush Flush the ESI block caches. Defined in hook_esi_component_info().
esi_panels__esi_pane_prepare Prepare an ESI panels pane for rendering. Defined in hook_esi_component_info().
esi_panels__esi_pane_render Render the HTML for a single block. Defined in hook_esi_component_info().
esi_panels__restore_context Restore the original context that was used when a block was displayed.