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public function EntityReference_SelectionHandler_Generic_taxonomy_term::entityFieldQueryAlter in Entity reference 7

Implements EntityReferenceHandler::entityFieldQueryAlter().

Overrides EntityReference_SelectionHandler_Generic::entityFieldQueryAlter


plugins/selection/EntityReference_SelectionHandler_Generic.class.php, line 511


Override for the Taxonomy term type.


public function entityFieldQueryAlter(SelectQueryInterface $query) {

  // The Taxonomy module doesn't implement any proper taxonomy term access,
  // and as a consequence doesn't make sure that taxonomy terms cannot be viewed
  // when the user doesn't have access to the vocabulary.
  $base_table = $this
  $vocabulary_alias = $query
    ->innerJoin('taxonomy_vocabulary', 'n', '%alias.vid = ' . $base_table . '.vid');
    ->addMetadata('base_table', $vocabulary_alias);

  // Pass the query to the taxonomy access control.
    ->reAlterQuery($query, 'taxonomy_vocabulary_access', $vocabulary_alias);

  // Also, the taxonomy term entity exposes a bundle, but doesn't have a bundle
  // column in the database. We have to alter the query ourself to go fetch
  // the bundle.
  $conditions =& $query
  foreach ($conditions as $key => &$condition) {
    if ($key !== '#conjunction' && is_string($condition['field']) && $condition['field'] === 'vocabulary_machine_name') {
      $condition['field'] = $vocabulary_alias . '.machine_name';