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function entityqueue_handler_relationship_entityqueue::query in Entityqueue 7

Overrides views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse::query().

Adds an extra condition to the second join from the parent query.

Overrides views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse::query


includes/views/, line 51
Specialized relationship handler to add entityqueues.


@file Specialized relationship handler to add entityqueues.


function query() {

  // First, relate our base table to the current base table to the
  // field, using the base table's id field to the field's column.
  $views_data = views_fetch_data($this->table);
  $left_field = $views_data['table']['base']['field'];
  $first = array(
    'left_table' => $this->table_alias,
    'left_field' => $left_field,
    'table' => $this->definition['field table'],
    'field' => $this->definition['field field'],
  if (!empty($this->options['required'])) {
    $first['type'] = 'INNER';

  // Add an extra condition to limit results based on the queue selection.
  if (!empty($this->options['limit'])) {
    $queues = array_keys(array_filter($this->options['queues']));
    if (!empty($queues)) {
      $queue_names = db_select('entityqueue_subqueue', 'esq')
        ->fields('esq', array(
        ->condition('', $queues, 'IN')
      $first['extra'] = array(
          'field' => 'bundle',
          'value' => $queue_names,
  if (!empty($this->definition['join_extra'])) {
    if (!isset($first['extra'])) {
      $first['extra'] = array();
    $first['extra'] += $this->definition['join_extra'];
  if (!empty($this->definition['join_handler']) && class_exists($this->definition['join_handler'])) {
    $first_join = new $this->definition['join_handler']();
  else {
    $first_join = new views_join();
  $first_join->definition = $first;
  $first_join->adjusted = TRUE;
  $this->first_alias = $this->query
    ->add_table($this->definition['field table'], $this->relationship, $first_join);

  // Second, relate the field table to the entity specified using
  // the entity id on the field table and the entity's id field.
  $second = array(
    'left_table' => $this->first_alias,
    'left_field' => 'entity_id',
    'table' => $this->definition['base'],
    'field' => $this->definition['base field'],
  if (!empty($this->options['required'])) {
    $second['type'] = 'INNER';

  // Add an extra condition to limit results based on the queue selection.
  if (!empty($this->options['limit'])) {
    $queues = array_keys(array_filter($this->options['queues']));
    if (!empty($queues)) {
      $second['extra'] = array(
          'field' => 'name',
          'value' => $queues,
  if (!empty($this->definition['join_handler']) && class_exists($this->definition['join_handler'])) {
    $second_join = new $this->definition['join_handler']();
  else {
    $second_join = new views_join();
  $second_join->definition = $second;
  $second_join->adjusted = TRUE;

  // use a short alias for this:
  $alias = $this->definition['field_name'] . '_' . $this->table;
  $this->alias = $this->query
    ->add_relationship($alias, $second_join, $this->definition['base'], $this->relationship);