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7 calls to entityform_get_types() in Entityform 7.2

EntityformController::create in ./entityform.module
Create a entityform - we first set up the values that are specific to our entityform schema but then also go through the EntityAPIController function.
EntityformUIController::hook_menu in ./
Overrides hook_menu() defaults. Main reason for doing this is that parent class hook_menu() is optimized for entity type administration.
entityform_forms in ./entityform.module
Implements hook_forms().
entityform_mollom_form_list in ./entityform.module
Implements hook_mollom_form_list().
entityform_page_title in ./entityform.module
Menu title callback for showing individual entities
entityform_type_load in ./entityform.module
Menu argument loader; Load a entityform type by string.
entityform_update_7004 in ./entityform.install
Change textarea values to support filters.