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public function EntityformTypeController::get_default_text_values in Entityform 7.2

Returns default text values

1 call to EntityformTypeController::get_default_text_values()
EntityformTypeController::create in ./entityform.module
Create a entityform type - we first set up the values that are specific to our entityform type schema but then also go through the EntityAPIController function.


./entityform.module, line 1382
Module for the Entityform Entity - a starting point to create your own Entity and associated administration interface


The Controller for Entityform entities


public function get_default_text_values() {
  return array(
    'label' => '',
    'instruction_pre' => '',
    'submit_confirm_msg' => t('Your submission has been saved.'),
    'submission_page_title' => t('Thank You.'),
    'draft_button_text' => t('Save Draft'),
    'submit_button_text' => t('Submit'),
    'your_submissions' => t('Your Submissions: @label', array(
      '@label' => '[entityform_type:label]',
    'disallow_resubmit_msg' => t('You already submitted this form'),
    'delete_confirm_msg' => t('Are you sure you want to delete this Submission for @label', array(
      '@label' => '[entityform_type:label]?',
    'draft_save_text' => '',
    'page_title_view' => t('Form Submission: @label', array(
      '@label' => '[entityform_type:label]',