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public function IntegrationTest::testCrudTracking in Entity Usage 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\entity_usage\FunctionalJavascript\IntegrationTest::testCrudTracking()
  2. 8.2 tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\entity_usage\FunctionalJavascript\IntegrationTest::testCrudTracking()
  3. 8.3 tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\entity_usage\FunctionalJavascript\IntegrationTest::testCrudTracking()

Tests the tracking of nodes in some simple CRUD operations.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTest.php, line 30


Basic functional tests for the usage tracking plugins.




public function testCrudTracking() {
  $page = $this
  $assert_session = $this

  /** @var \Drupal\entity_usage\EntityUsage $usage_service */
  $usage_service = \Drupal::service('entity_usage.usage');

  // Create node 1.
    ->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Node 1');
    ->pageTextContains('eu_test_ct Node 1 has been created.');
  $node1 = Node::load(1);

  // Create node 2 referencing node 1 using reference field.
    ->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Node 2');
    ->fillField('field_eu_test_related_nodes[0][target_id]', 'Node 1 (1)');
    ->pageTextContains('eu_test_ct Node 2 has been created.');
  $node2 = Node::load(2);

  // Check that we registered correctly the relation between N2 and N1.
  $usage = $usage_service
    ->assertEquals($usage['node'], [
    '2' => '1',
  ], 'Correct usage found.');

  // Check that the method stored for the tracking is "entity_reference".
  $usage = $usage_service
    ->listUsage($node1, TRUE);
    ->assertEquals($usage['entity_reference']['node'], [
    '2' => '1',
  ], 'Correct usage found.');

  // Create node 3 referencing node 2 using embedded text.
  // $this->drupalGet('/node/add/eu_test_ct'); .
  // $page->fillField('title[0][value]', 'Node 3'); .
  // @TODO ^ The Ckeditor is creating some trouble to do this in a simple way.
  // For now let's just avoid all this ckeditor interaction (which is not what
  // we are really testing) and create a node programatically, which triggers
  // the tracking as well.
  $uuid_node2 = $node2
  $embedded_text = '<drupal-entity data-embed-button="node" data-entity-embed-display="entity_reference:entity_reference_label" data-entity-embed-display-settings="{&quot;link&quot;:1}" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="' . $uuid_node2 . '"></drupal-entity>';
  $node3 = Node::create([
    'type' => 'eu_test_ct',
    'title' => 'Node 3',
    'field_eu_test_rich_text' => [
      'value' => $embedded_text,
      'format' => 'eu_test_text_format',

  // Check that we registered correctly the relation between N3 and N2.
  $usage = $usage_service
    ->assertEquals($usage['node'], [
    '3' => '1',
  ], 'Correct usage found.');

  // Check that the method stored for the tracking is "entity_embed".
  $usage = $usage_service
    ->listUsage($node2, TRUE);
    ->assertEquals($usage['entity_embed']['node'], [
    '3' => '1',
  ], 'Correct usage found.');

  // Create node 4 referencing node 2 using both methods.
  $node4 = Node::create([
    'type' => 'eu_test_ct',
    'title' => 'Node 4',
    'field_eu_test_related_nodes' => [
      'target_id' => '2',
    'field_eu_test_rich_text' => [
      'value' => $embedded_text,
      'format' => 'eu_test_text_format',

  // Check that we registered correctly the relation between N4 and N2.
  $usage = $usage_service
  $expected_count = [
    'node' => [
      '3' => '1',
      '4' => '2',
    ->assertEquals($usage['node'], $expected_count['node'], 'Correct usage found.');

  // Delete node 2 and verify that we clean up usages.
  $usage = $usage_service
    ->assertEquals($usage, [], 'Usage for node1 correctly cleaned up.');
  $database = \Drupal::database();
  $count = $database
    ->select('entity_usage', 'e')
    ->fields('e', [
    ->condition('e.t_type', 'node')
    ->condition('e.t_id', '2')
    ->assertSame(FALSE, $count, 'Usage for node2 correctly cleaned up.');

  // Create node 5 referencing node 4 using a linkit markup.
  $embedded_text = '<p>foo <a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="' . $node4
    ->uuid() . '">linked text</a> bar</p>';
  $node5 = Node::create([
    'type' => 'eu_test_ct',
    'title' => 'Node 5',
    'field_eu_test_rich_text' => [
      'value' => $embedded_text,
      'format' => 'eu_test_text_format',

  // Check that we registered correctly the relation between N5 and N2.
  $usage = $usage_service
    ->assertEquals($usage['node'], [
    '5' => '1',
  ], 'Correct usage found.');

  // Check that the method stored for the tracking is "linkit".
  $usage = $usage_service
    ->listUsage($node4, TRUE);
    ->assertEquals($usage['linkit']['node'], [
    '5' => '1',
  ], 'Correct usage found.');