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public function EntityUpdatesCommands::entityUpdates in Entity Update 2.0.x

Apply pending entity schema updates.

@command entity-update @aliases upe

@option show Show entities to update @option basic Update all entities as basic way @option force Try force update @option all Update all Entities @option nobackup Disable automatic full database backup (Not recommended) @option clean Cleanup entity backup database @option bkpdel Copy entities to update in to backup database and delete entities @option rescue Create entities from entity backup database @option cache-clear Set to 0 to suppress normal cache clearing; the caller should then clear if needed.

@usage drush upe --show Show entities to update @usage drush upe --basic Update entities.Run this command if all entities to update are empty. Else Exception @usage drush upe --all Update entities with data. Run this command if any entity (to update) has data @usage drush upe --basic --nobackup Update all without automatic database backup @usage drush upe --basic --force --nobackup Try to update using basic method even having data @usage drush upe --all --nobackup Update all without automatic database backup (Not recommended) @usage drush upe --clean Cleanup entity backup database @usage drush upe --bkpdel Copy entities to update in to backup database and delete entities @usage drush upe --rescue If entity recreation failed, You can you this option to create entities from entity backup database @usage drush upe ENTITY_TYPE_ID --nobackup Update entity type ENTITY_TYPE_ID

@bootstrap full


string $type: The entity type ID to update.

array $options: Array of options.




src/Commands/EntityUpdatesCommands.php, line 102


Drush9 commands definitions.




public function entityUpdates($type = NULL, array $options = [
  'cache-clear' => TRUE,
]) {

  // Show entities to update.
  if (!empty($options['show'])) {

  // Clean entity backup database.
  if (!empty($options['clean'])) {
      ->say("Entity backup data removed.");

  // Restore all entities from database.
  if (!empty($options['rescue'])) {
    if (drush_confirm('Are you sure you want create entities from backup database ? ')) {
      $res = EntityUpdate::entityUpdateDataRestore();
        ->say('End of entities recreate process : ' . ($res ? 'ok' : 'error'));

  // Check mandatory options.
  $options_mandatory = [
  if (!$type && !_drush_entity_update_checkoptions($options_mandatory)) {
      ->say('No option specified, please type "drush help upe" for help or refer to the documentation.: ' . 'cancel');
    ->say(' - If you use this module, you are conscience what you are doing. You are the responsible of your work');
    ->say(' - Please backup your database before any action');
    ->say(' - Please Read the documentation before any action');
    ->say(' - Do not use this module on multi sites.');
    ->say(' - Before a new update, Remove old backuped data if any (Using : drush upe --clean).');

  // Backup database.
  if (!!empty($options['nobackup'])) {
    $db_backup_file = "backup_" . date("ymd-his") . ".sql.gz";
      ->say("Backup database to : {$db_backup_file}");
      ->say("To restore, run : gunzip < {$db_backup_file} | drush sqlc ");
    @exec('drush cr');
    @exec('drush sql-dump --gzip > ' . $db_backup_file);

  // Basic entity update.
  if (!empty($options['basic'])) {
    if (drush_confirm('Are you sure you want update entities ?')) {
      $res = EntityUpdate::basicUpdate(!empty($options['force']));
        ->say('Basic entities update : ' . ($res ? 'ok' : 'error'));

  // Copy and delete entities.
  if (!empty($options['bkpdel'])) {
    if (drush_confirm('Are you sure you want copy entities to update in to backup database and delete entities ?')) {
      $res = EntityUpdate::entityUpdateDataBackupDel(EntityUpdate::getEntityTypesToUpdate($type), $type);
        ->say('End of entities copy and delete process : ' . ($res ? 'ok' : 'error'));

  // Update all entities.
  if (!empty($options['all'])) {
    if ($type) {
        ->say("The option --all and a type has specified, please remove a one. : " . 'cancel');
    if (drush_confirm('Are you sure you want update all entities ?')) {
      $res = EntityUpdate::safeUpdateMain();
        ->say('End of entities update process', $res ? 'ok' : 'error');

    // cache-clear.
    if (!empty($options['cache-clear'])) {
      $process = Drush::drush($this
        ->getSelf(), 'cache-rebuild');
      ->success(dt('Finished performing updates.'));
  elseif ($type) {

    // Update a selected entity type.
    try {
      if ($entity_type = entity_update_get_entity_type($type)) {

        // Update the entity type.
        $res = EntityUpdate::safeUpdateMain($entity_type);
          ->say('End of entities update process for : ' . $type . ' : ' . ($res ? 'ok' : 'error'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      ->error("Entity type update Error : {$type}");